On Monday 06 March 2006 15:37, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>  On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 16:15 -0700, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>  > honestly, i don't even think the X.org devs who are doing this work have
>  > much of an idea on what app devs want out of it
>  Mostly these effects shouldn't impact the application at all. As an

well, there are 2 kinds of apps:

the kind of app that it really matters for (e.g. desktop / panel / window 
and the sort it doesn't (everything else, which should, in a perfect world, 
just assume things are Good)

>  -- windows with per-pixel alpha translucency (I've heard this is
>  possible, I probably just need to find documentation)

cf: argb

>  -- synchronizing window updates with the compositing manager, especially
>  during window resizing (if this is fully automatic already, great)

this happens below the app layer.

>  -- XRENDER extensions for accelerated SVG-style filters

as i understand it, already exists.

>  -- fast XRENDER (especially fast subpixel-AA text)
>  -- fast XRENDER

=) talk to hardware vendors? 

Aaron J. Seigo
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