Let’s not confuse this with exiting the Power Management BOF that’s already scheduled for Wednesday July 19 at 7pm.



I’m currently planning on provide a list of topics of interest in the PM space and then letting the crowd lead the discussions in my PM-BOF, but your topics are good ones and I’ll add them to the my list. 


I’m thinking an agenda something like:

5 min: enumerate current PM topics of interest

35 min: let group talk about issues while trying to keep notes on the discussions.

5 min: gather names and associated with any particular topics that are committed to following up with post OLS activities that they care to have noted in my notes.


I’m presently planning on posting my notes to the linux-pm list.  (Assuming there is anything of value in them…)


BTW: I recommend a name like “Thermal Management BOF” to avoid confusion.




From: Miller, Marc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:31 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; desktop_architects@lists.osdl.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Patrick Mochel; Langsdorf, Mark; Brunner, Richard; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; shin, jacob; Crouse, Jordan
Subject: [mli_tech] OLS Power Management BOF


Ladies and Gents,


I apologize for the e-mail blast, but I made a startling discovery yesterday.  It’s expected that there will be some discussion about power management at the following events:


  • USENIX Kernel Summit
  • Desktop Developer Summit
  • MLI Tech Board face-to-face meeting


All of these are happening at the same time, and all within a mile of each other in Ottawa, but it is not known whether any of these groups will talk to each other about this topic after their respective meetings. 


Since it’s expected that all of these people will also be at the Linux Symposium during the latter half of the week, I plan to arrange for a Power and Heat Reduction BOF at the Linux Symposium (unless someone else is already planning this).  Note the slight difference in name, since server-oriented developers are not concerned much about power management, but power and heat reduction in the data center is very important to data center customers, which makes the topic very important to the companies most server developers represent.


The BOF is expected to cover:

* Power and heat reduction on mobile devices

* Power and heat reduction on traditional clients (notebooks, desktops, and workstations)

* Power and heat reduction on servers

* Power management profiles

* How device and silicon manufacturers can do to assist

* What application developers can do to assist


I hope that all of you who are concerned about this area of Linux will attend.


Marc J. Miller

OSDL Desktop Linux Technical Co-Chairman

AMD Open Source Software Alliance Manager

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