As with the previous Desktop Architects Meeting a presentation template has been made that will help us to make more efficient use of our meeting time. We would like to ask all participants as well as those that aren’t able to attend the actual meeting to prepare a presentation based on the preparation template for the organisation that they are representing.


The presentation template consist of one introduction slide and 5 slides that relate to the 5 proposed agenda items for the DAM-II meeting. The presentation template is provided for guidance only. You may want to leave out any slides that you consider irrelevant for your organisation and you may want to provide additional slides on those topics that you feel very strongly about.


We will not have enough time at the meeting to present all these presentations but they will be a great aid with focusing the agenda on those issues that people find the most important. The presentation material will also be posted online and will be included in the hand out for DAM-II attendees.


The presentation template is available in other file formats on request.


Waldo Bastian

Linux Client Architect - Client Linux Foundation Technology

Channel Platform Solutions Group

Intel Corporation -

OSDL DTL Tech Board Chairman


Attachment: DAM2-template.odp
Description: DAM2-template.odp

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