Am Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2005 20:25 schrieben Sie:

Hi Michael,

> > E.g. KDE offers a file open dialog with preview capabilities. This
> > capability is build into the dialog without a call back to the
> > application calling the dialog.

I should be more careful with my wording. With call back I don't mean any kind 
of traditional callback like in GUI programming.

> But what if you have a file format which is not supported/recognized
> by the desktop you are using?  Does the ISV have to write plug-ins
> for every desktop (assuming it supports generic preview images), or
> do you just "do without" when the user chooses a different desktop
> than you developed for?

The idea is that applications offer the desktop an interface (e.g. via a plain 
commandline option) to provide the preview capabilities. 

This means that the applications offers it "preview" capabilities to the 
desktop during installation time.

It is then the job of the Linux Desktop to make use of this preview capability 
which is not limited to the file dialog but which shall also be taken 
advantage of in the filemanager etc.

> IMHO, this will just lead ISVs to develop their own file choosers or
> not use RUDI because they can't reliably provide previews and other
> features (i.e. "open document with Word 95 filter instead of Word 2003",
> for files that share extensions and are not otherwise detectable, like
> the "open as" choose in the Gimp file chooser...)

IMHO this would be a poor choice because this custom dialogs has many 
disadvantages including the lack of generic preview capabilities for the 

E.g. A CAD program not only wants to offer a simple preview in its file 
dialogs but if rich user experience is a goal of the ISV it want to offer its 
servives to the Linux Desktop as a whole. This includes

- registration with the mime-types for the desktop and mime-magic support
- file preview capabilities in the desktop specific dialogs
- file preview services in the desktop filemanager and other tools
- file convertions services (not limited to thumbnails)

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
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