I received a mail from someone who said that the klik slides (as
PDF) are no longer retrievable from the OSDL website. So I'll now
provide an ASCII copy of these (only 4 pages) of slides, for the 
sake of this discussion.


 Slide 1:
                         klik: Focus Areas
(We are addressing these gaps. We regard current achievements as 
"usable alpha quality")
 - Must be '1-click' installation 
   (really: 'Don't install, just copy' 1 file)
 - Must be even more easy than Windows ('Linux for grandmas')
 - Must follow a '1 application == 1 file' paradigm
 - Simply move 1 file to a different computer to use this app there
 - Must run from anywhere (USB pendrive, CD)
 - Must allow use of multiple versions of same app on one system
 - Must not require root privilege to 'install' new software/versions
 - Must not interfere w. system package manager (rpm, apt, yast, ...)
 - Must not endanger system if a klik 'install' fails (no DLL hell)
 - Make 'bleeding edge' apps/developm. versions easily available
   (bridge gap between non-technical and technical contributors to FOSS 
   development projects)

 Slide 2:
                         klik: Challenges

(What we need getting solved)
 - Support more distros (currently Knoppix, Kanotix, Debian, SUSE)
 - Create awareness what klik can do even now for devs and ISVs
 - Make Gnome support better, get more cooperation from developers
 - ABI incompatibilities are hell for klik, ISVs and 3rd Party Developers
 - No more GCC ABI changes with every other 'minor' release!
 - Define a standard 'klik base system' across all major Linux distros
   (which libs/versions can we assume to be present? -- LSB helps here 
   once it gets more widely implemented)
 - See how common interest with other projects can lead to cooperation
   (Autopackage, ZeroInstall, Rox, Gobo,...)
 - Leverage new (2.6.14) Kernel features for klik's benefit
   (FUSE 'filesystem in userspace' == no more fstab; 
   9P 'plan 9 protocol' == better support for '1 file/1 app' approach)
 - Introduce a concept of security 
   (signing of klik recipes?, verification of download sources?)

 Slide 3:
                         klik: Dependencies

(projects and needs from each)
 - GCC Project:
    * Provide a longterm ABI stability guarantee
    * find way to make backward compatible interoperation in cases 
      where ABI changes are unavoidable
 - Linux distros, LSB:
    * help to define and provide a base system of libs and versions 
      which klik can rely on
    * make repackaged .debs & .tgzs work on *.rpm systems and vice 
      versa (the 'acid test')
 - New developers:
    * subject script-generated klik recipes to more (human) quality 
      assurance; comb through 4.000 auto-generated klik recipes to 
      find failures; track version updates & user feedback 
    * needs more manpower/developers (fortunately, no hardcore 
      programming skills are required for klik, advanced user 
      knowledge is enough to fix failing klik recipes!)
 - Potential sponsors:
    * help developers f.e. with travel costs to attend important
    * more reliable hardware, bandwidth, uptime, funding for klik 
      web service

 Slide 4:
                         klik: Follow on Meetings

(list of orgs and topics)
 - FOSDEM 2006 
 - LinuxTag 2006 ?
 - LWE 2006 in Boston ?
 - IRC in #klik on Freenode.net
 - http://klik.atekon.de/
      Note: these slides were made entirely on a Knoppix system
            running from CD by online-fetching and using an OOo-2.0
            release prepared by the 'klik://ooo2' recipe


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