Changes made this week:

1)  Finished migrating most of the content from the static web pages
over to the wiki.  The wiki is still going through some design changes
for the look and feel.  However, for those of you dieing to get a
glimpse of the very rough draft version:

2)  We also changed the wiki Documentation section to have a more
logical grouping rather than being grouped by document type.

3)  We also added a link to  (This is
reflected only in the wiki).

Plans for the upcoming weeks:

1) Clean up wiki display to resemble the web page more

2) After part one is done, redirect static web page navigation links to
the new wiki versions.

3) Update the wiki Documentation section to elaborate on some of the
provided links.  Add a little explanation/information about each of the

4) Continue implementing changes from the feedback we got from the DCL
tech board - Rearranging the Documentation section originated from this

5) Focus harder and shift efforts towards the Driver Matrix project

6) Continue to populate the site with useful material and

This is the last cross-post to all the lists.  We'll move the
discussions and updates strictly to the os_drivers mailing list after
this.  If you'd like to stay up to date on
this effort, please subscribe at:


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