Hi Matt

Yeah, agree. It sounds good.

I'm on the releases right now. Votes will come soon :)


On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 8:16 PM Matt Pavlovich <mattr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi JB-
> Thanks for kicking off the convo, I think we are mostly in agreement.
> We have more headroom with versions, so I think it would be good to be closer 
> to SEMVER going forward.
> 6.0.x - Dependency updates (non-major changes). ActiveMQ bug and security 
> fixes only. No new config flags (unless as part of a fix) or new features.
> 6.1.x - New features, new config flags, new JMS 2.x features, etc
> I think 6.5.x is probably reasonable for full JMS 2.0 compliance. Chris 
> started on the openwire modernization work, and I’ve got a couple tasks to 
> kick-in over there as well.
> Main changes for openwire — deliveryDelay field and shared subscription flag.
> I have a PR for Virtual Thread support and plan on updating it to make it 
> something that can be releasable without having to move everyone to JDK 21 in 
> 6.x. Getting some runtime testing with Virtual Threads in 6.x will be good 
> and give data to consider it for the default in 7.x/8.x.
> Regarding 7.x — I think we can move more towards ‘services’ and 
> DestinationPolicy add-ons vs ‘plugins'. I plan to start implementing more 
> features under destination policy to replace more plugins (timestamp, forced 
> persistence mode, etc). A config service that re-uses a lot from runtime 
> config plugin would provide a lot of transition support towards an 
> activemq-boot mini-kernel to replace Spring/XBean.
> Thanks,
> Matt Pavlovich
> > On Jan 12, 2024, at 12:22 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> 
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Happy new year to all !
> >
> > After the festive break, I'm back on ActiveMQ :)
> > I would like to discuss about the roadmap for ActiveMQ
> > 6.0.x/6.1.x/6.2.x/7.x(future):
> >
> > - For 6.0.x branch, I propose to include fixes and minor dependencies
> > updates (I have some PRs on the way, Matt also worked on different
> > topics)
> > - For 6.1.x branch, I propose to add a new round of JMS 2.x/3.x
> > features support and include major dependencies updates (if there are
> > :)). It can also include non breaking change refactoring.
> > - For 6.2.x branch, I propose to add another round of JMS 2.x/3.x
> > features support and new major updates compared to 6.1.x
> > It would be great to target 6.5.x for instance for full JMS 2.x/3.x support.
> >
> > - For 7.x, I started a prototype to set Spring as optional, having a
> > core loader and new configuration format (in addition to activemq.xml,
> > I have activemq.json and activemq.yml for instance). As this is a
> > major milestone, we could have some breaking changes. Even if 7.x is
> > not the top priority for now (I think we have to focus on full JMS 2/3
> > support right now), it gives perspective to the community.
> >
> > Thoughts ?
> >
> > Regards
> > JB

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