Hi Devs,

To make airavata friendly with the large scale deployment and share the
same configuration files. I came across with new scripts to start and stop
airavata server components.

Please use following instructions to start and stop the Airavata servers.

Start Script Name: *airavata-server-start.sh*
Stop Script Name: *airavata-server-stop.sh*

New Airavata starting script support few new command options.
1. *credentialstore* - Start credential store service component
2. *apiserver* - Start api server component
3. *orchestrator* - Start orchestrator server component
4. *gfac* - Start gfac server component
5. <Few more yet to come ex: monitor, registry etc ...>
6. *api-orch* - Start credential store, Api Server and Orchestrator server
components in one JVM
7. *execution* - Start gfac for now, later this command start monitoring
component too.
8. *all* - Start all airavata components in one JVM.

Example commands:
"*./airavata-server-start.sh api-orch*" will start credential store, api
server and orchestrator servers in one JVM. This is equivalent to
credentialstore apiserver orchestrator*"
"*-d*" will start the server in baemon mode eg: "*./airavata-server-start.sh
api-orch -d*"
Use "*-xdebug*" to start on debug mode

Any component can be stopped by "*./airavata-server-stop.sh -f*" , "*-f*"
shutdown the servers forcefully, if you need gracefully shoutdown drop "*-f*"
from above command.

If you use "*-h*" command option with either of above script you will get
all available commands with small descritpion.

All changes are on develop git branch, will merge this to master if all
test passed without any issue.


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