For a long time, we have been using the concept of community users and
community user credentials which were shared by all the users in the
gateway when connecting to compute and storage resources.
But now we have a new requirement where each user will have his/her own
login information for comput
Hi Amila,
It means the ability for individual gateway users to register their own
compute resource allocation details and storage resource details within the
gateway. By doing this they will be able to use their allocation to run
jobs and store data.
Hope this cleared it.
On Mon
Just curious, what is " user compute and storage resources" ?
On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 2:44 AM, Supun Nakandala
> Hi Jarett,
> The user compute and storage resources implementation is currently in the
> develop branch. So if you want to use them you will have to try the develop