I think there is a reason this is an often discussed topic, because it is
something that needs to be addressed. Yes, there are ways to achieve the
end goal such as triggering one dag with another as Qian suggests, or
adding short circuit/branching operators and custom macros to many of your
dags (what I am currently doing) as suggested by Damien, but these are just
It should not be this hard for a user to say "run this at this time". If
you look at other projects like Prefect, half their entire sales pitch is
"Our scheduling is way easier than Airflow".  I think Damien is on to
something with serializing the schedule. Would it be so bad to do something
like allowing users to put a function in the dag to calculate the next run
time and then as part of the dagrun have a schedule serializer save off the
next calculated date to a scheduler table?

On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 6:34 AM Yu Qian <yuqian1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My understanding here is that some users just wants to trigger a dag at the
> time they prefer rather than always at the end of schedule_interval? I saw
> two use cases in the thread:
> 1. The usecase from Daniel wants to trigger at start of schedule_interval
> 2. The usecase from Shaw has some holidays to skip
> For both usecases, has anyone considered setting schedule_interval to None
> and use a TriggerDagRunOperator to trigger the DAG instead? If you add the
> following entry to the [scheduler] section of airflow.cfg, you can
> literally trigger the DAG at any time or interval using any logic you like.
> # Allow externally triggered DagRuns for Execution Dates in the future
> # Only has effect if schedule_interval is set to None in DAG
> # We set this to True so that tasks on the DagRun with execution_date T can
> start running before midnight in UTC on date T.
> allow_trigger_in_future = True
> Thanks,
> Qian
> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 1:07 AM Bas Harenslak
> <basharens...@godatadriven.com.invalid> wrote:
> > My 2c: adding an option to schedule at the start of an interval is yet
> > another option to take in, adding more complexity. Therefore I’m not in
> > favour of it.
> >
> > The scheduling at start/end has often been a discussed, IMO it's a fact
> > which one has to know when learning Airflow. But not something that is
> > either good or bad, therefore changing it would introduce confusion.
> >
> > What is bad IMO is adding more options to change the default behaviour,
> > and make Airflow even more complex to comprehend. The core functionality
> > should be as simple as possible.
> >
> > Besides the start/end discussion, @Damian, the scheduling you described
> > there seems like a valid use case. I’m thinking something like a
> > “scheduling blacklist” would be a nice feature here. Could you create a
> > GitHub issue for that?
> >
> > Bas
> >
> > On 11 May 2020, at 18:17, Shaw, Damian P. <
> damian.sha...@credit-suisse.com
> > <mailto:damian.sha...@credit-suisse.com>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I strongly agree with reducing Airflows complexity and the plan to
> > serialize DAGs by default makes a lot of sense. So wouldn't it make sense
> > to also serialize the schedule of a DAG?
> > e.g. Provide a table of execution dates that the scheduler can keep
> > upcoming ones cached and periodically check for update, and give the
> user a
> > way to update it if they need to.
> >
> > Outside customization Airflows current schedule definition solution is
> > fairly weak.
> >
> > For example in the very common use case of following a countries working
> > day calendar it's actually pretty tricky for a new user to implement in
> > Airflow. Say you want to follow a fairly normal east Asian Calendar, the
> > current way recommended way to do this in Airflow is the following:
> >
> > 1. Create a DAG schedule Monday - Friday
> > 2. Write a Holiday Branch / Short Circuit Operator to skip tasks on a
> > Holiday, put inside your own custom Airflow Operators package and
> > distribute with every Airflow instance
> > 3. Write a function to calculate the actual "{{ next_ds }}" as the one
> > Airflow provides is normalized to UTC and therefore is usually 1 day out
> > for DAG aware timezone in Asia, put it in the Macro Plugins
> > 4. Write functions that can calculate the actual "{{ prev_ds }}" and "{{
> > ds }}" based on skipping Holidays for that calendar and the timezone the
> > DAG is in, put them in the Macro Plugins
> > 5. For every DAG make sure you correctly upstream the Holiday Branch
> > Operator and be very careful to only ever use the custom datetime macros
> > that you've writen
> >
> > And that is the most simple use case, in the real world you also need to
> > deal with weekends that fall on different days, "reverse holiday
> weekends"
> > where days that are usually a weekend become a working day (a real thing
> in
> > India), schedules that follow things like "the 2nd Monday after Easter"
> or
> > "every 15 minutes between 9am and 5am on a working day and every hour
> > outside that time".  I've handled all such situations but I've really
> felt
> > like I've had to fight to get what I need out of Airflow, which in
> > retrospect is odd for a tool that is designed to schedule workflows.
> >
> > Anyway my 2 cents as an Airflow user.
> >
> > Regards
> > Damian
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dan Davydov <ddavy...@twitter.com.INVALID<mailto:
> > ddavy...@twitter.com.INVALID>>
> > Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 11:22
> > To: dev@airflow.apache.org<mailto:dev@airflow.apache.org>
> > Subject: Re: Setting to add choice of schedule at end or schedule at
> start
> > of interval
> >
> > I strongly agree with Ash, I also think we should strive to decrease the
> > complexity of core Airflow components and not offer
> > customization/extensibility especially in the form of plugins where it is
> > not needed to make Airflow more robust and easier to reason about (less
> > testing configuration). I think there is some potential one-time
> migration
> > pain we need to go through here but would prefer a simpler solution here
> > (something similar to the original github PR that was raised to resolve
> > this issue, having trouble finding it at the moment), with other things
> > like data lineage being addressed in separate features to keep the scope
> > down.
> >
> > On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 6:15 AM Ash Berlin-Taylor <a...@apache.org
> <mailto:
> > a...@apache.org>> wrote:
> >
> > Ash, you had mentioned something about some plans that were in
> > conflict with the above hack.... could you maybe share a thought or
> > two about what you were thinking?
> >
> >
> > The main thing here is around scheduler HA, and I want the scheduler
> > to be able to make all scheduling decisions without needing to load
> > any user-provided code.
> >
> > i.e. that A "dag serializer" process can be the only thing in the
> > scheduler that loads/executes user code, and all other scheduling
> > decisions operate on the (de)serialized version..
> >
> > -ash
> >
> > On May 6 2020, at 7:21 pm, Daniel Standish <dpstand...@gmail.com<mailto:
> > dpstand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> > Inspired by James, I tried this out...
> >
> > For others interested, here is sample dag to test it out:
> >
> > class MyDAG(DAG):
> >   def following_schedule(self, dttm):
> >       pen_dt = pendulum.instance(dttm).replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
> >       minutes = pen_dt.minute
> >       minutes_mod = minutes % 10
> >       if minutes_mod < 5:
> >           return pen_dt.add(minutes=1)
> >       else:
> >           return pen_dt.add(minutes=10 - minutes_mod)
> >
> >   def previous_schedule(self, dttm):
> >       pen_dt = pendulum.instance(dttm).replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
> >       minutes = pen_dt.minute
> >       minutes_mod = minutes % 10
> >       if minutes_mod < 5:
> >           return pen_dt.add(minutes=-1)
> >       else:
> >           return pen_dt.add(minutes=-(minutes_mod - 5))
> >
> >
> > dag = MyDAG(
> >   dag_id='test_schd',
> >   default_args=default_args,
> >   schedule_interval='@daily',
> >   catchup=True,
> >   concurrency=1000,
> >   max_active_runs=10,
> > )
> >
> >
> > with dag:
> >   DummyOperator(task_id='test', task_concurrency=1000)
> >
> > What this will do is trigger one run for every minute when minutes
> > (mod 10) is between 0-4 but not schedule anything between 5-9 *(or
> > something like that, i did not scrutinize the edges carefully)*.
> >
> > But...  anyway, it'll prove that it works relatively quickly and
> > that's the point.
> >
> > I have a use case.  I think i might use it, rather than adding
> > branching logic.  It's ugly, but they are both ugly.
> >
> > *Question*
> >
> > What do people think about a Schedule abstraction that takes the
> > previous_schedule and following_schedule methods from dag (perhaps
> > rename to previous_execution following_execution?)
> >
> > Then I imagine we could do this:
> > * deprecate the `schedule_interval` param
> > * rename schedule_interval to ``schedule: Union[Schedule, str,
> > timedelta]``
> > and preserve backward compatibility
> > * if str or timedelta is given, we instantiate a suitable Schedule
> > object.
> > Perhaps there is a CronSchedule and a TimedeltaSchedule.
> >
> > Any interest?
> >
> > Ash, you had mentioned something about some plans that were in
> > conflict with the above hack.... could you maybe share a thought or
> > two about what you were thinking?
> >
> > *Another idea*
> >
> > If we could maybe leave it to the `Schedule` class to decide the
> > relationship between run time and "execution_date".  There is the
> > "interval
> > edge PR"...  But maybe there would be an elegant way to control that
> > behavior in the Schedule class.  Perhaps simply a class constant, or
> > param.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > http://www.credit-suisse.com/legal/en/disclaimer_email_ib.html
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> >
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