Re: Possible bug: Airflow frequently fail with AWS RDS backend when #tasks increases

2020-08-15 Thread Brian Greene
When i had a similar issue it turned out that the way the task(s) were written, they'd RAPIDLY open a large number of new RDS connections. AWS RDS - particularly if you're using the cluster endpoint, is performing a 'dns' lookup (4 hops if i recall correctly) before your connection request actuall

Re: [DISCUSS] Using asserts in airflow code

2019-12-04 Thread Brian Greene
As a dev manager, we generally ban the use of assertions or like constructs in any language. If you, as an engineer, think you should check a value... then check it and take an intentional path afterwards. This is a known path, it can be tested (or more likely seen as never tested as it’s so r

Re: Airflow maintenance blog post

2019-08-24 Thread Brian Greene
Could we ship a standard set of maintenance dags in the examples? Then it’s easy for most people to not deploy them, but they’re part of the intro package and could be tested? Sent from a device with less than stellar autocorrect > On Aug 23, 2019, at 4:14 PM, Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy > wrote

Re: Task middleware or task hooks as a way to increase observability

2019-03-31 Thread Brian Greene
My answer is like his. It still requires all devs making dags to use the same mechanism, but it’s realy easy (assuming you’re not already using those hooks). We have a single python utility function that is set as “on_success_callback” AND for failure. Set it in “default_args” once for the

Re: Airflow scheduler process issue

2019-03-28 Thread Brian Greene
My quick guess - both running with local executor? That runs all af processes in one... so you’d have 2 schedulers. It’s perfectly acceptable to run AF across a couple EC2 instances, but you have to select which parts of the stack run in which one, and support multiple airflow Configs in some

Re: Custom scheduler support in Airflow

2019-01-31 Thread Brian Greene
I’d agree with Ash as well - and the externally triggered Dag model works well and still allows you to use airflow for “normal” scheduled tasks. Admittedly we struggled with this for a while, working really hard to use schedules and xcom etc.. this is really “state management” in my opinion, an

Re: Custom scheduler support in Airflow

2019-01-31 Thread Brian Greene
This is actually the majority of our airflow work. We use this pattern: Sensor pings api (fairly quickly, in a dag that’s constrained to only run one instance, every minute) If the sensor gets a valid response, the next task is a custom operator that extends Trigger, builds up the DagRun contex

Re: A DAG with two schedules

2019-01-14 Thread Brian Greene
You could have 2 “trigger dags” on different schedules triggering the one that you’re interested in. If you needed task selection in the target based on schedule, you could branch around tasks based on the DagRun. Sent from a device with less than stellar autocorrect > On Jan 13, 2019, at 9

Re: AIP-8 Split Hooks/Operators into Separate Packages

2019-01-07 Thread Brian Greene
I’m not sure package structure based on whether major providers will fund development is the right approach. My $.02 Sent from a device with less than stellar autocorrect > On Jan 7, 2019, at 3:44 PM, Tim Swast wrote: > > In general it’s easier for cloud providers to fund development of opera