Portland Apache Airflow Meetup - Event Reminder

2019-04-25 Thread Danny Gene Duncan
This is a reminder about the (Portland, OR) meetup event this evening: https://www.meetup.com/Portland-Apache-Airflow-Meetup/events/260386304/ We still have space so all are welcome. Agenda details: 6:30 Meet and Greet (with pizza) 7:00 Airflow Basics (with Danny Duncan) 7:20 The Next Step (with

Re: Portland Apache Airflow Meetup - Call for speakers

2019-04-15 Thread Danny Gene Duncan
2sWeena+664,+Rotterdam!3b1!8m2!3d51.9229354!4d4.4721893!3m4!1s0x47c434a68471e6d5:0x62dafc43c4b35fe9!8m2!3d51.9229784!4d4.4722 > > > Coolblue.nl <https://www.coolblue.nl> • Werkenbijcoolblue.nl > <https://www.werkenbijcoolblue.nl> > > > On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 7:19 PM

Portland Apache Airflow Meetup - Call for speakers

2019-04-15 Thread Danny Gene Duncan
Hello all, We have an upcoming meeting on April 25 and we're opening it up for speakers. So far myself and Ben Tallman will present but we'd also love to hear how others are using airflow. The format will be a 15 minute talk with 5 minutes for Q&A. We'd like to get at least one other person to pre

Re: Announcing the new Portland Apache Airflow Meetup group...

2019-02-14 Thread Danny Gene Duncan
Very excited to get the meetup off the ground and looking forward to sharing knowledge! Thanks, Danny Duncan Data Engineering & Infrastructure @ M Science On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:46 PM Sid Anand wrote: > Thx Ben! > > I've updated: > * https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Meet

PDX airflow group

2019-02-10 Thread Danny Gene Duncan
Hello, My name is Danny Duncan and I'm a data engineer at M Science, a fintech company that creates actionable insights using alternative data. I'm looking to meet people locally (Portland, Oregon) that are interested in using and developing airflow and I'm thinking of setting up a Meetup group. A