Congrats EveryOne
Thanks & Regards
On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 12:36 PM Ash Berlin-Taylor wrote:
> I am proud to announce that Apache Airflow 2.0.0 has been released.
> The source release, as well as the binary "wheel" release (no sdist this
> time), are available here
> We also made th
Hi ,
We are facing an issue with backfill . There are few jobs which
run frequently like every 1/2 hr during the day.
The jobs are running fine , But weekly once or twice the jobs are failing
with Deadlock
Can you share me the details how to fix this
Thanks & Regards
Hi ,
We have faced the similar issue and debugged the scheduler code and found
that back fill don't have much options given( Back fill logic is different
in more scheduling point) .In this case once the DAG is stuck it is stuck
. Instead of using backfill you can use trigger_dag which has more l