Hey all, I am wondering if there should be an "official" way to propagate a skipped state of the last downstream tasks in a subdag to the parent dag.
Simple Use Case: I have a subdag with the following tasks "transfer data from an api to s3", "convert json to csv", "transform csv". Sometimes the api returns a json with an empty data object. The "transfer" task succeeds which I think is correct. The "convert" task which actually does json to pands.DataFrame to csv could check if the data frame is empty before proceeding. At this point I am raising a AirflowSkipException to skip this task (and all downstream tasks) which need the data to work. I don't want the task to fail with a simple AirflowException since I think no data does not necessary mean it is an error. It just means there is no data available for the time period requested - I want to skip it. The problem comes when the subdag run has finished because its state is set to success like all other runs where data was available. That means you won't be able to see the difference from outside of the subdag (the parent dag). I would be very interested in what you guys think about this. Should we add a feature to "propagate skipped state from inside subdag to parent dag" or could my problem just be solved easier / better? Please let me know :) (P.S. I made it work but I am just thinking of an official way of doing it if you guys agree with the idea) Kind regards, Felix