If you want to run faster and you're only using one machine, I would
recommend using the LocalExecutor instead of the CeleryExecutor.

On the more general topic, Airflow is NOT designed for processing real time
data. It is a workflow tool for batch processing. The sweet spot for
Airflow is running DAGs once per day. It works fine at once an hour and
there are plenty of people pushing it down to once every 5 minutes or so
but if you're operating on the order of seconds, you want a streaming data
processing tool

Can you restructure your problem so that your real time data is dumped
somewhere and Airflow processes batches of dumped data?

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 10:57 AM Phil Daly <pd...@lsst.org> wrote:

> I posted this on StackOverflow but kind-of need a response “real soon now”
> …
> I'm sure this is a newbie question so apologies in advance. Running
> Airflow 1.7.x on a virtual Ubuntu 16.x machine with a MacBookPro host.
> Resources are not an issue. What I need to know is how to manipulate the
> scheduler latency: I have 2 tasks and task 2 follows task 1, nice and
> simple. With just this DAG, I noticed that task 2 would typically run 15s
> after task 1 completes and I'm wondering if I can get that much lower? I
> have re-configured to use a CeleryExecutor with 1 worker node and changed
> the job_heartbeat_sec and scheduler_heartbeat_sec to 1 (each). These are
> integers so I can't express sub-second scheduling. Now my task 2 will run
> ~3s after task 1 but I'd still like to get it lower, preferably sub-second.
> The wiki pages suggests that the scheduler can take 0.05-015s which, if
> that is not a typo, suggests sub-second task scheduling is possible. I can
> run this airflow invocation on a dedicated machine, if I have to, so that
> nothing else is interfering with it.
> So, am I pushing airflow too hard? Or can I get task 2 to run pretty much
> as soon as task 1 has finished? If so, how?
> I have added a PS for a bit more contextual information if you need it.
> Thanks in advance,
> Phil Daly
> p...@lsst.org<mailto:p...@lsst.org>
> A little bit more information on what I am trying to do (the OCS =
> observatory / observation control system):
> OCS could use a workflow engine for observation sequencing (and other
> tasks) with the following set up:
>   *   a firm real-time queue for executing night-time observations for
> each telescope. In this sense, we would like a workflow and the tasks it
> contains to be scheduled and executed within a very short amount of time,
> say, < 1s. How much latency we can adopt here is open to question;
>   *   a soft real-time queue for executing day-time calibrations and
> engineering functions for each telescope. In this sense, the workflow and
> the tasks it contains should start promptly but we can accept scheduling
> delay between, say, 1–3s and perhaps longer;
>   *   a regular queue for cron-like jobs for each telescope (end of night
> reports etc). In this sense, we leave it to Airflow to determine the
> scheduling and accept that these jobs might not start for up to 30s after
> they become runnable.
> Clearly Airflow can handle the second 2 use cases but I really need to
> know if I can make it fly for the first (firm real-time queue)

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