
I'm following these instructions
set up a local airflow, and I want to run unit tests locally, but I keep
running into this error when I run 'tox':

ln: /dev/random: Operation not permitted
cp: /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf: No such file or directory
cp: /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl: No such file or directory
/Users/andy/dev/incubator-airflow/scripts/ci/setup_kdc.sh: line 34:
kdb5_util: com
mand not found
kadmin.local: unsupported command addprinc admin/admin
kadmin.local: unsupported command addprinc -randkey airflow
kadmin.local: unsupported command addprinc -randkey
kadmin.local: unsupported command ktadd -k airflow
kadmin.local: unsupported command ktadd -k airflow/Andys-MacBook-Pro-2.local
/Users/andy/dev/incubator-airflow/scripts/ci/setup_kdc.sh: line 43:
service: comma
nd not found

ERROR: InvocationError: '/usr/bin/sudo

Anyone have a similar problem, or have thoughts on how to fix it? I'm using
python3.4, in a virtual env (as specified in the set-up for testing

Thanks for the help!

- Andy

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