Hi all,

I'm doing some work to get Google Cloud Logging into Airflow, but without
it actually being implemented into Airflow. For this I used a simple
pluggable discovery system using standard Python setuptools. Here is what
I'm talking about:

In Airflow I reworked all longing config in an AirflowInternalLogging
component. The AirflowInternalLogging is written as a discoverable
compoment and needed to be added to the setup.py:

    'airflow.logging': [
        'AirflowInternalLogging = airflow.defaults:AirflowInternalLogging'

That's all that is needed to make it discoverable. In the code I just need
to load it via:

def load_airflow_component(group, name):
    from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
    print "Discovery of '{}' components".format(group)
    for entry_point in iter_entry_points(group=group, name=None):
        if entry_point.name == name:
            component = entry_point
        print("- {}".format(entry_point))
    print "Loading '{}' for '{}'".format(name, group)
    print component
    instance = component.load()
    return instance()

That's it. Now in a completly other project with it's own setup I can add
other implementations (with the same methods) of the component and make
them selectable via the config of that project:

          'airflow.logging': [
              'GoogleCloudLogging =

I would generatlise this so we could make other parts (like for example
connections) also pluggable.

What do you think. Seems to work fine so far... and doesn't add any


_/ Alex Van Boxel

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