Hi Yaniv and Eyal,

Sorry about the hiatus.  Day job has been hectic the last couple of months.

I am really glad that we now have full blown YARN support. Thanks a lot !!

Is there a place where I could find a rough document around how to submit
jobs on YARN. If you could respond to this thread, I am more than happy to
contribute to the docs.

I would like to do a POC of sorts for one of my projects at work. A really
dumbed-down version of the application is at :


The first Spark job populates the data in a bunch of Hive tables
The second Spark job runs pre-configured queries against these tables and
compares them against another data in another Hive table (reconciliation

For now, we can safely assume that there's no data shared between these

Greatly appreciate your response on the YARN job submission.


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