Ivy's ModuleDescriptor.getExtraInfo() is now deprecated

2014-05-15 Thread Nicolas Lalevée
Hi, ModuleDescriptor.getExtraInfo() is deprecated but there is no indication in the doc about what should be used then. There is getExtraInfos(), but as I look to the code, there is no data transfer between both, if if there is data in one, I cannot get the data from the other one. And since

[RESULT] Release AntUnit 1.3 based on RC1

2014-05-15 Thread Stefan Bodewig
Hi all, with +1s by Nicolas Lalevée Antoine Levy Lambert Peter Reilly and my own implied +1 and no other binding votes the vote has passed. I'll publish all artiefacts and update the site/announce the release after mirrors have caught up. Thanks Stefan

Re: svn commit: r1594598 - in /ant/site/ant: production/ sources/

2014-05-15 Thread Antoine Levy Lambert
Hello Stefan, I have had the same problem on MacOS. I remember vaguely that I found out while fixing unit tests that different JDK versions do not have the same value for default encoding. I am not sure how I addressed the problem when I regenerated the site, I might have just fixed the html

Re: migration to git : next steps

2014-05-15 Thread Antoine Levy Lambert
I was about to enter an INFRA JIRA for the migration. see below the suggested text. Let me know your thoughts. ——— Migration of the Ant project and subprojects to Git vote : http://ant.1045680.n5.nabble.com/VOTE-migration-to-git-tt5715081.html#none

AW: Hoped for advantages of migrating to git

2014-05-15 Thread jhm
As a ASF project we MUST have a repo in Apache land: http://www.apache.org/dev/writable-git ASF releases must be cut from the canonical ASF Git repositories. The absolute minimum is therefore: - working on somewhere else - starting a release: -- pull all changes to local -- push to ASF-repo --

migration to git : next steps

2014-05-15 Thread Antoine Levy Lambert
To actually migrate to git, we could either make one INFRA JIRA for all the ant family of projects, or do this one step at a time. Concerning the antlibs, I suppose we want one git module for each antlib - we have 6 of them (antunit, compress, dotnet, props, svn, vss) plus a common folder