Ennio-Sr wrote:

> Mathias, that is exactly what I thought I was doing: for each group of
> files sharing the same macro-shortkey associations I'm loading the file
> where the particular configuration was stored (calling the relative
> macro from within the main one associated with the 'open document'
> event and saved into  the document itself) [1]; but may be I'm missing
> some better feature ? In this case, I should very much appreciate it if
> you would suggest any specific readings.

My recommendation would be to use the template mechanism: create a
document template that contains the configuration you want to have:
create a new document, store the shortcut configuration into it and then
save this document with "File-Templates-Save".

Then create all new documents that should use this shortcut
configuration from this template using "File-New-Templates and Documents".

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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