Hi there,

in the meantime I could test the dispatching of macros via the OOo ScriptingFramework using XScriptProviderFactory.

However, same problem as with XDispatchHelper: invoking more than one (ooRexx) macros via the scripting framework works flawlessly, if the script is *not* invoked by OOo. If the same script gets invoked via OOo (Tools -> Macros) then an error is caused, indicating a problem with stdin/stdout.

It looks as if OOo is interfering with stdin/stdout in an unexpected way, causing the *second* time a problem, when ooRexx interacts with stdin/stdout itself.

So I was wondering what the cause could be in order to become able to either fix OOo (if it is a bug there) or to work around a deliberate limitation.

A little bit baffled,


P.S.: This occurs on Windows XP, OOo 2.4.1.

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi there,

running a script from the commandline that uses XDispatchHelper (via Java) to dispatch macros via the OOo scripting framework works (dispatching the same macro via the OOo Java based scripting framework twice).

Running the same script via OpenOffice (Tools -> Macros) causes an error on the *second* invocation of the macro indicating a problem with stdin/stdout.

Is there anything on the OOo side controlling the running of macros that deals with/reserves/locks access to stdin/stderr?


P.S.: Invoking OOo Basic macros via XDispatchHelper many times over works from the commandline and via Tools->Macros.

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