Jimmy wrote:

> I've been trying to implement a dispatch interceptor for commands in my 
> java component without success. I've been checking different examples on 
> the list and the developers guide but couldn't get any of those to work 
> properly. I don't really know how to connect the interceptor to the 
> actual writer component. As I understand it the Frame has to be 
> connected with the XDispatchProviderInterceptor, which is implemented in 
> my Interceptor class. But how am I connecting this class with the frame?

>From the DevGuide (in chapter 6.1.6):

This chain usually only consists of the frame and the controller of the
office component it contains, but the frame offers the
com.sun.star.frame.XDispatchProviderInterception interface where other
providers are inserted. They are called before the frame tries to find a
dispatch object for a command URL, so that it is possible to put the
complete dispatch communication in a frame under external control. More
than one interceptor can be registered, thus building a bigger chain.

So please have a look at the
com.sun.star.frame.XDispatchProviderInterception interface that is
supported by the frame.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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