Hi Carsten,

>> For explanation: I create a menu called "JUDAS" and this menu is shown.
>> Then I want to create a menu item called "JUDAS_Test" and I add it to
>> the menu. But only a separator is shown. When I copy e.g. the "File"
>> menu into the JUDAS menu (as a submenu), the item "JUDAS_Test" is
>> suddenly visible and the separator is gone.

> I cannot exactly remember, but I think it was related to the missing
> property "Type". It must be set to a value defined by
> com.sun.star.ui.ItemType. So every menu item definition must have a
> property called "Type"!
> constants ItemType
> {
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /** a normal item
>      */
>     const short DEFAULT = 0;
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /** a separarator is inserted as a line.
>      */
>     const short SEPARATOR_LINE = 1;
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /** a separarator is inserted as a space.
>      */
>     const short SEPARATOR_SPACE = 2;
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /** a linebreak is inserted.
>      */
>     const short SEPARATOR_LINEBREAK = 3;
> };
> The strange behavior is related to the fact that the variable in the
> code, which reads and interprets the property value, is not predefined
> and therefore the result is random. Most of the time the menu item will
> be a separator.

wow that worked out. Here the properties that worked:

PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[3];
loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
loadProps[1] = new PropertyValue();
loadProps[2] = new PropertyValue();

loadProps[0].Name = "CommandURL";
loadProps[0].Value = ".uno:PickList";
loadProps[1].Name = "Label";
loadProps[1].Value = "NameOfItem";
loadProps[2].Name = "Type";
loadProps[2].Value = (short)0;

Thanks a lot!

Greetings, Tobias

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