This patch gets mod_autoindex working again for me: Index: srclib/apr/file_io/unix/dir.c =================================================================== RCS file: /home/cvspublic/apr/file_io/unix/dir.c,v retrieving revision 1.48 diff -u -r1.48 dir.c --- srclib/apr/file_io/unix/dir.c 2001/01/24 16:16:35 1.48 +++ srclib/apr/file_io/unix/dir.c 2001/01/24 18:07:57 @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ * only if stat will give us what this platform supports, and we can't * get it from the platform. * XXX: Optimize here with d_fileno, d_type etc by platform */ - wanted &= ~(APR_FINFO_NAME); + wanted &= ~(APR_FINFO_NAME|APR_FINFO_DIRENT); if (wanted) { char fspec[PATH_MAX];
mod_autoindex specifies APR_FINFO_DIRENT in the call to apr_dir_read(), and it ended up getting APR_INCOMPLETE as the return code from apr_dir_read() because apr_dir_read() didn't take out the APR_FINFO_DIRENT bit and later thought that something wasn't handled. I hear that mod_autoindex is broken on Win32 too. Maybe something similar is needed? But back to the question in the subject... I don't think APR_FINFO_DIRENT does anything, so why do we need it? Thanks... -- Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP public key at web site: Born in Roswell... married an alien...