Forwarding to the Apache dev list.

On Tuesday 16 October 2001 05:20 am, P. Dwayne Miller wrote:
> I can not seem to get the latest tree to work with SSL.  Everything
> seems to compile okay, but...
> when I run apache.exe, where it used to ask twice for the passphrase
> (1.3.20), it only asks once.
> And, any attempt to load a page results in one of the apache processes
> chewing about 50-80% CPU, but nothing seems to happen.
> Is there any log I can check that might be identifying an SSL problem?
>  BTW, if I disable all of the SSL stuff in the config file and run as a
> normal server, everything seems to work fine.
> I'm compiling and running on Win2K, using VisualStudio environment.  I'm
> building using the *.dsw workspace files.  I've tried using the
>, but no difference.
> Also, I cannot seem to get the workspace based build to replicate the
> 'installx' option of the makefile (i.e. it does not copy and move
> everything into the \apache2 directory.  Any help there?
> The last bit of info that I can provide is that I'm starting the
> apache.exe from a command window, logged in as a non-administrator user.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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