Just bringing this little dialogue into the public eye.

"Sander Striker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sent: 13 May 2002 02:08

I'm trying to piece something together here regarding Issue #622.  I
did a checkout of a copy of the subversion repository's /trunk (at
revision 1600-and-something) over ra_local, with pool debugging turned
on, and watching the process in `top'.  The `top' output showed the
svn process crawling steadily upwards in terms of memory usage,
finishing up at around 30M by the time my checkout completed.
However, the pool debugging output showed that we maxxed out our pool
usage at 2.29M.  The pool debugging output *looks* accurate to me,
since the whole checkout process is a bunch of recursion and looping,
all of which is very "subpool-informed", and I've gone over this
process pretty thoroughly.

What makes the actual footprint of the program so different in terms
of memory used?  Are we leaking non-pool memory somewhere?  Is the
pool code simply not re-using allocations?

The latter is indeed the case.  The production pools code does very
little to reuse mem.  It is a space-time tradeoff.  There have been
several patches to improve on mem reuse, but since there hasn't been
a single project using pools that could benefit from these patches
they've been lost in the archives.  Maybe now is a good time to reevaluate
patches that ensure better reuse.

The reason Apache can get away with this is because apache has either
shortlived pools or relatively small allocations.  And ofcourse when pools
were invented they were tuned for Apache...

We really need to provide a more general-purpose memory management solution for situations where pool semantics aren't a good match for an application.

I can think of two solutions:
 * Extend the apr_pool implementation to support freeing of blocks.
   I.e., add an upper bound on the size of the allocator free lists,
   and add an apr_pfree() function to free apr_palloc()ed blocks
   within a long-lived pool.  (What I'm thinking of here is something
   like the "reaps" design proposed by Emery Berger et al,

* Or turn apr_pool_t into an abstract class, with concrete implementations
to implement different allocator models (with the traditional Apache-style
pool as the first of these). In order to do this without impacting
performance, we'd probably have to do a macro-based implementation:

     - Each pool object has a struct at the top that contains pointers
       to the pool's alloc function, free function (possibly null), cleanup
       function, etc

     - apr_palloc(p, size) becomes a macro:
           #define apr_palloc(p, size)  (*(p->alloc_fn))(p, size)
       And similarly for apr_pfree()


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