Threads and mutexes went in cleanly, thanks for all your help!  Next up -- 
i18n.  I'd like to convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 using the 
"apr_xlate_conv_buffer( )" function, but I can't get it to produce useful data. 
 Does anyone see what Iâm doing wrong?  The following code compiles, links, 
and runs fine (Visual Studio .NET 2003), but doesn't produce the correct 

# // Main.cpp
# #include <string>
# using namespace std;
# #include "apr.h"
# #include "apr_general.h"
# #include "apr_xlate.h"
# // main
# int main( int argc, char const* const* argv )
# {
#       // Start APR
#       apr_app_initialize( &argc, &argv, 0 );
#       // Create an APR pool and xlate converter
#       apr_pool_t*  pool = 0;
#       apr_xlate_t* xlate = 0;
#       apr_pool_create( &pool, 0 );    
#       apr_xlate_open( &xlate, "utf-8", "utf-16", pool );
#       // Prepare the source UTF-16 string
#       wstring utf16String = L"Hello world!";
#       const char* utf16Buffer = (char*)utf16String.c_str( );
#       apr_size_t  utf16Length = utf16String.size( ) * 2;
#       // Prepare the destination UTF-8 string
#       string      utf8String;
#       utf8String.resize( utf16Length );
#       char*       utf8Buffer = (char*)utf8String.c_str( );
#       apr_size_t  utf8Length = utf8String.size( );
#       // Do the conversion
#       apr_xlate_conv_buffer( xlate, utf16Buffer, &utf16Length, utf8Buffer, 
&utf8Length );
#       utf8String.resize( utf8String.size( ) - utf8Length );
#       apr_xlate_close( xlate );
#       // Done
#       apr_terminate( );
#       return 0;
# }

I'm not checking return values here for brevity of example, but they all return 
success with one exception: "apr_xlate_conv_buffer( )".  

"apr_xlate_conv_buffer( )" returns "70008", which I'm assuming has something to 
do with buffer overflow, though I donât know how to convert into a real error 

"utf16Length" starts out as "24", and ends at "8".  "utf8Length" starts at 
"24", and ends at "0".  So far as I can tell, this means it's only consuming 
2/3 of the input buffer, but overflowing the output buffer (which is the likely 
cause of the error return value).

The final value of "utf8String" is: "Ã 
âÃââÃÂâÃÂâÃÂâÃââÃÅâÃÂâ"  (ie, a bunch of 
gibberish characters, if it's stripped from the email)

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


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