Christian Schneider updated ARIES-1335:
Summary: Avoid using aries util in eclipselink adapter (was: Avoid using
aries util i
Christian Schneider created ARIES-1335:
Summary: Avoid using aries util in eclipselink adatper
Key: ARIES-1335
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARIES-1335
Project: Aries
ASF GitHub Bot commented on ARIES-628:
GitHub user maxbruecken opened a pull request:
GitHub user maxbruecken opened a pull request:
Unfortunately Transaction annotation doesn't work for me. The
AnnotationParser implements a BeanProcessor but it is injected by
TxNamespaceHandler as a MutablePassThroughMetadata, which
Good work Christian!
2015-06-12 14:15 GMT+02:00 Christian Schneider :
> I am planning to do a aries jpa 2.0.0 release mid next week.
> I already updated all poms to not use external snapshots and did a
> successful release dry run. So technically we should be prepared.
> Before the rel