The changes in blueprint-authz are just minor so I think we do not need
a release.
It would be great if you could release the blueprint-maven-plugin. There
have been some substantial enhancements.
On 03/09/2016 04:52 PM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
I'm planning to do a few bug fix releases asap:
* proxy-impl
* blueprint-core
* blueprint-spring
* blueprint-spring-extender
* blueprint-noosgi
* jmx-core
I've seen changes to the following modules, but I don't know
I'm planning to do a few bug fix releases asap:
* proxy-impl
* blueprint-core
* blueprint-spring
* blueprint-spring-extender
* blueprint-noosgi
* jmx-core
I've seen changes to the following modules, but I don't know their exact
state, so I'm not planning to release them unless told oth