After using Avro successfully for a couple of years now around the generic 
model we recently integrated the specific model into our codebase.  In order 
for this to work we needed to make some enhancements to the Avro core in order 
to allow Avro to integrate into our existing type system.  Just wondering if 
there would be any interest in the following features for the C# code base.

1. Avro.Specific.ObjectCreator decoupling.  Currently there is a singleton 
instance of this class.  We needed to override the default behaviour for name 
to type mapping and object creation in order to integrate with our type system. 
 In some more esoteric cases we required a specific ObjectCreator for a given 
reader/writer.  What we have done is to introduce a very simple IObjectCreator 
interface with two methods, GetType and GetConstructor.  Each reader/writer can 
optionally have its own instance of IObjectCreator with the default behaviour 
to use the global singleton instance, i.e. current behaviour.  In addition to 
the new interface we made many of the methods on ObjectCreator protected and 
split up some larger methods in order allow for implementation reuse.

2. Block writers.  The current generic writers only work with arrays, and the 
current specific writers only work with IList.  This was problematic as in some 
cases we needed to translate objects to be serialized essentially requiring a 
duplicate copy of the objects to be held in memory (at least for the array 
case).  As our environment was already memory constrained this extra copy would 
be too great in some cases.  What we implemented was support for writing arrays 
in blocks from an IEnumerable/IEnumerable<>.  This allows for serializing a 
Linq translation pipeline for example.  These writers (4 in total as we 
implemented for both generic/specific and original/datum versions of the 
writers) are all new classes and only required minimal changes to the existing 
classes, largely just making some of the existing implementation protected so 
we could inherit.

3. CodeGen inheritance.  We reworked the CodeGen class so most of the 
implementation was protected and methods were finer grained.  We also 
introduced more options for controlling the generated names.  As integration 
with our existing type system required non-standard generated classes we needed 
a custom code generator.  The changes to CodeGen allowed us to reuse most of 
the existing implementation.

4. HTTP transceiver.  Not related to our custom type system but needed to 
connect to a Java based Avro service.

If there is any interest in these changes I will put together some patches and 
tests as time permits.  The HTTP change is fairly standalone.  Items 1 and 2 
are a little more complicated to disentangle as they touch common code.


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