Hi Jeremy,

Awesome work yourself/Frances have done.

Few comments from glancing (not a designer)

* The "learn more" box orange
 is a bit too similar to the orange background.
* Maybe the right hand side in the blank space you could have a quick
introductory video?



On 16 May 2017 at 06:44, Jeremy Weinstein <jerem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Beam community! fran...@apache.org and I have been working on a project
> to refresh the visual design of the Beam website. We have the following few
> goals:
> a) Breathe some life into the website homepage
> b) Simplify and clean up the project's CSS and various supporting files
> c) Make it a little more fun and engaging for new developers to start
> learning about Beam and enter into the content
> d) Help explain Beam to passive and interested non-users
> I'd like the community's help on a few things.
> 1) First and foremost, any feedback on the design update is welcome.
> 2) Secondly, there is a section on the homepage for testimonials/quotes
> from Beam users and/or organizations about their usage of Beam. We could
> set this up on a rotational basis to cycle through quotes, but to start, if
> anyone knows of any good quotes, posts, or tweets about Beam, I'd like to
> source those and place them into the "A collaborative effort" section.
> Please send them over to me and I can flow them into the build.
> We're hoping to refresh the site before or soon after the first stable
> release. For this first pass we've focused on the main landing page, but
> next up we'd like to improve several of the inside pages, as well as update
> the code toggles, and simplify a bit of the navigational structure.
> Sending this PR [1] out now as an FYI and to solicit feedback. We'll make a
> few more improvements based on suggestions, as well as a few tweaks to
> TODOs in the header and footer. Feedback is welcome - thanks everyone!
> [1] https://github.com/apache/beam-site/pull/244 +
> http://apache-beam-website-pull-requests.storage.
> googleapis.com/244/index.html
> --
> jeremydw


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