Dear Apache Beam Team,

I am a student at the University of Innsbruck, currently using Apache Beam for my research.

I am using Flink v1.19 and the Flink runner ( to execute pipelines. I managed to run the pipeline with several options:
- parallelism
- operatorChaining
- attachedMode
- ...
All of these options were applied correctly, and I could immediately see their effects.

However, the "maxBundleTimeMills" and "maxBundleSize" settings do not seem to work properly. I tried setting them, but I observed no effect when gathering metrics. I created an artificial pipeline where I set maxBundleTimeMills=100000 (100 seconds) and maxBundleSize=10000 elements. I configured a Kafka topic that gets 1 element/second. I expected to receive a whole bundle of messages after 100 seconds. However, while measuring, I noticed that I actually receive 1 message per second continuously, indicating that these two settings are not being applied correctly. Am I right or missing something?

Could you provide me with assistance in solving this issue?

I also tried different Flink versions (e.g., 1.16.3).

It would be wonderful if I could join the Slack community. Could you provide me with an invitation, or is it restricted to users?

Thank you very much for your help, and I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Stefan Pedratscher

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