At the moment we have both, a 0.2.0-incubating branch and tag. As far
as I understand we would push all changes for a minor release in the
0.2.0-incubating branch which would then be used to create a
0.2.1-incubating release and tag. If not, what is the purpose of the
0.2.0-incubating branch?
Hi Sumit,
The only possible way would be to create 0.2.x branch based on the 0.2.0
release tag and then apply your PR.
0.3.0 release is planned for in a couple of months max. So, if you can
wait, I would strongly recommend to wait this release that will include
Flink upgrade.
Hi All
I have created this PR to upgrade 0.2.0-release to use Flink 1.1.2. There
are some nice features added in Flink 1.1.2 which we cannot consume until
Beam supports it. I know that Flink 1.1.2 will be supported in 0.3.0. But
for time being, we don't want to add a dependency on a snapshot ve