

[alessandro.solimando] Site: Add Alessandro Solimando as committer

[...truncated 320.68 KB...]
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:03,654 
[docker-java-stream--1133810895] INFO  - Pulling image layers:  0 pending,  9 
downloaded,  5 extracted, (44 MB/46 MB)
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:04,186 
[docker-java-stream--1133810895] INFO  - Pulling image layers:  0 pending,  9 
downloaded,  6 extracted, (45 MB/46 MB)
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:07,590 
[docker-java-stream--1133810895] INFO  - Pulling image layers:  0 pending,  9 
downloaded,  7 extracted, (46 MB/46 MB)
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:08,044 
[docker-java-stream--1133810895] INFO  - Pulling image layers:  0 pending,  9 
downloaded,  8 extracted, (46 MB/46 MB)
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:09,753 
[docker-java-stream--1133810895] INFO  - Pulling image layers:  0 pending,  9 
downloaded,  9 extracted, (46 MB/46 MB)
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:11,935 
[docker-java-stream--1133810895] INFO  - Pull complete. 9 layers, pulled in 20s 
(downloaded 46 MB at 2 MB/s)
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:11,974 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] 
INFO  - Creating container for image: redis:2.8.19
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:15,756 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] 
INFO  - Starting container with ID: 
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:17,464 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] 
INFO  - Container redis:2.8.19 is starting: 
    docker[redis:2.8.19] 2022-01-10 14:53:17,684 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] 
INFO  - Container redis:2.8.19 started in PT28.152S
org.apache.calcite.adapter.redis.RedisAdapterCaseBase > 
         63.9sec,    2 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 
WARNING  67.9sec,    3 completed,   0 failed,   1 
skipped, Gradle Test Run :redis:test

> Task :elasticsearch:test
    2022-01-10 14:53:02,147 [elasticsearch[fake-elastic][scheduler][T#1]] WARN  
- [gc][1] overhead, spent [819ms] collecting in the last [1.6s]
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchAdapterTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.MatchTest > 
         56.7sec,    1 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchAdapterTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchAdapterTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest > 
WARNING  57.7sec,   14 completed,   0 failed,   1 
skipped, org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.AggregationTest
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.Projection2Test > 
         57.7sec,    7 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchAdapterTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchAdapterTest > 
WARNING  58.8sec,   22 completed,   0 failed,   1 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.BooleanLogicTest > 
org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.BooleanLogicTest > 
         60.3sec,    2 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 
WARNING   2.6sec,    1 completed,   0 failed,   1 
skipped, org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ScrollingTest
          1.5sec,    1 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 
WARNING  69.2sec,   64 completed,   0 failed,   3 
skipped, Gradle Test Run :elasticsearch:test

> Task :cassandra:test

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:53:48,035 [s0-io-3] WARN  - [s0] Detected a keyspace change 
at runtime (<none> => cassandraunitkeyspace). This is an anti-pattern that 
should be avoided in production (see 'advanced.request.warn-if-set-keyspace' in 
the configuration).
    2022-01-10 14:53:49,555 [s0-io-3] WARN  - [s0] Detected a keyspace change 
at runtime (cassandraunitkeyspace => dtcassandra). This is an anti-pattern that 
should be avoided in production (see 'advanced.request.warn-if-set-keyspace' in 
the configuration).

> Task :plus:test
         89.9sec, org.apache.calcite.adapter.tpch.TpchTest 
> testQuery07()
WARNING  90.6sec,   29 completed,   0 failed,   7 
skipped, org.apache.calcite.adapter.tpch.TpchTest
WARNING  94.4sec,   51 completed,   0 failed,  11 
skipped, Gradle Test Run :plus:test

> Task :cassandra:test
org.apache.calcite.test.CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > 

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testCollectionsInnerValues() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:11,423 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 5 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testFilterWithNonStringLiteral() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:11,796 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 6 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,010 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 7 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,148 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 8 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,292 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 9 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,429 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 10 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testCollectionsInnerRowType() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,553 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 11 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testFrozenCollectionsValues() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,706 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 12 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testCounterRowType() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,812 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 13 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testCounterValues() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:12,909 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 14 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testSimpleTypesRowType() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:13,007 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 15 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterDataTypesTest > testSimpleTypesValues() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:13,122 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 16 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
        104.4sec,   11 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 

CassandraAdapterTest STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:20,087 [s0-io-3] WARN  - [s0] Detected a keyspace change 
at runtime (dtcassandra => cassandraunitkeyspace). This is an anti-pattern that 
should be avoided in production (see 'advanced.request.warn-if-set-keyspace' in 
the configuration).
    2022-01-10 14:54:39,140 [s0-io-3] WARN  - [s0] Detected a keyspace change 
at runtime (cassandraunitkeyspace => twissandra). This is an anti-pattern that 
should be avoided in production (see 'advanced.request.warn-if-set-keyspace' in 
the configuration).
    2022-01-10 14:54:39,167 [s0-admin-0] WARN  - Query '[0 values] CREATE 
MATERIALIZED VIEW twissandra."Tweets_By_User" AS SELECT username, tweet_id FROM 
twissandra.tweets WHERE username IS NOT NULL AND tweet_id IS NOT NULL PRIMARY 
KEY (username, tweet_id);' generated server side warning(s): Materialized views 
are experimental and are not recommended for production use.

CassandraAdapterTest > testSortOffset() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,027 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 17 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,277 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 18 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testLimit() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,443 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 19 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testSort() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,564 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 20 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,738 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 21 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testProjectConstant() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,825 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 22 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testProject() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:40,953 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 23 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:41,068 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 24 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testSortLimit() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:41,202 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 25 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testFilter() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:41,286 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 26 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:41,380 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 27 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testSelect() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:41,458 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 28 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testMaterializedView() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:41,872 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 29 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testProjectAlias() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:42,373 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 30 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)

CassandraAdapterTest > testFilterUUID() STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:42,493 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 31 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
    2022-01-10 14:54:42,589 [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25] WARN  - You have too 
many session instances: 32 active, expected less than 4 (see 
'advanced.session-leak.threshold' in the configuration)
         29.4sec,   11 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, 

Gradle Test Executor 17 STANDARD_OUT
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s7-admin-0] WARN  - [s7|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s7|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=b15f636f-46ad-4bcb-b340-128538e5caba}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s2-admin-0] WARN  - [s2|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s2|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=a89d687c-67db-4a04-b5a5-a53a9b2ce1a2}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s9-admin-0] WARN  - [s9|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s9|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=75bdeb5a-3088-4cdc-80c6-712f799d12b3}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s13-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s13|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s13|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=3b7ad2ce-1451-4080-ac1c-fac80a8211ce}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s15-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s15|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s15|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=994caa9c-2904-4584-9f47-0f098a088418}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s26-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s26|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s26|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=2fea36ac-9ec5-4877-956b-9967bcdebe11}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s14-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s14|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s14|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b59c9de4-3d86-429a-ac98-6ccc8dd38b25}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s6-admin-0] WARN  - [s6|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s6|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=40fd2341-a95d-4186-be8b-8aa3d558f17a}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s5-admin-0] WARN  - [s5|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s5|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=2e6dc454-1161-45ba-8509-c33709006dd5}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s16-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s16|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s16|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b1a50108-871d-4cd3-a196-4f908d2d2ac4}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s17-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s17|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s17|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=984ce262-b0ee-4c55-ab45-342726b38571}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s18-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s18|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s18|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=56f68311-4a54-499a-b3a3-48b7776016f7}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,735 [s30-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s30|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s30|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=78bac85a-170a-4adc-abd1-305066535c06}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,741 [s4-admin-0] WARN  - [s4|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s4|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=811a0ac2-d15f-4f10-b33d-dc5ac787924d}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,743 [s20-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s20|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s20|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=dc3ff799-8e08-4ff5-81ac-8cce949b415d}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,743 [s3-admin-0] WARN  - [s3|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s3|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=0e124a5a-baf5-4972-9472-822a0d71df0a}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,744 [s31-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s31|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s31|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=4323da7b-4f55-4e6b-8553-2c79b1ae0ce4}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,744 [s19-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s19|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s19|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=e878199b-456a-409c-ae58-2389debe9c1e}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,744 [s29-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s29|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s29|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=9d96e34a-913d-4e20-b177-d6e1fce53238}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,744 [s23-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s23|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s23|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=6cd593cf-a772-42a0-bac8-54c1de45cf73}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,761 [s28-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s28|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s28|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=5cb16751-3e00-41c2-b138-dde373d51010}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,792 [s21-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s21|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s21|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=a0533aff-a9b4-4b6d-88fc-654d59be9055}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,801 [s10-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s10|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s10|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=4c67dfca-09b3-4330-95fe-47b296230e38}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,809 [s12-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s12|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s12|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=8f8475c6-3119-438e-8a9c-217e783e7021}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,810 [s11-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s11|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s11|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=7829ff91-7076-47ca-8fba-11facd4e7deb}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,822 [s27-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s27|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s27|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=2e919527-cba9-4aef-86bb-400713d21728}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,831 [s1-admin-0] WARN  - [s1|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s1|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=d111bd6f-d51c-4fc0-890d-ca58aadfb03b}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,839 [s22-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s22|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s22|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b146a759-b6de-436f-88e7-bf0a73636440}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,859 [s8-admin-0] WARN  - [s8|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s8|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=d9a32a7d-ccc4-4553-b565-5788fda98a3f}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,870 [s24-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s24|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s24|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=651a7b83-a6b1-45b3-813a-75fc3834d736}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:45,872 [s25-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s25|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s25|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=1988fe41-93c8-4c8e-ab57-1bb935dc6f73}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,441 [s26-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s26|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s26|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=2fea36ac-9ec5-4877-956b-9967bcdebe11}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,441 [s5-admin-0] WARN  - [s5|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s5|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=2e6dc454-1161-45ba-8509-c33709006dd5}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,521 [s2-admin-0] WARN  - [s2|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s2|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=a89d687c-67db-4a04-b5a5-a53a9b2ce1a2}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,541 [s18-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s18|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s18|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=56f68311-4a54-499a-b3a3-48b7776016f7}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,565 [s10-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s10|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s10|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=4c67dfca-09b3-4330-95fe-47b296230e38}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,574 [s24-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s24|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s24|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=651a7b83-a6b1-45b3-813a-75fc3834d736}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,594 [s1-admin-0] WARN  - [s1|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s1|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=d111bd6f-d51c-4fc0-890d-ca58aadfb03b}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,633 [s11-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s11|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s11|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=7829ff91-7076-47ca-8fba-11facd4e7deb}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,661 [s17-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s17|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s17|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=984ce262-b0ee-4c55-ab45-342726b38571}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,699 [s13-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s13|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s13|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=3b7ad2ce-1451-4080-ac1c-fac80a8211ce}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,727 [s20-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s20|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s20|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=dc3ff799-8e08-4ff5-81ac-8cce949b415d}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,727 [s3-admin-0] WARN  - [s3|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s3|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=0e124a5a-baf5-4972-9472-822a0d71df0a}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,747 [s29-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s29|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s29|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=9d96e34a-913d-4e20-b177-d6e1fce53238}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,771 [s12-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s12|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s12|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=8f8475c6-3119-438e-8a9c-217e783e7021}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,781 [s30-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s30|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s30|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=78bac85a-170a-4adc-abd1-305066535c06}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,785 [s4-admin-0] WARN  - [s4|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s4|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=811a0ac2-d15f-4f10-b33d-dc5ac787924d}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,800 [s16-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s16|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s16|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b1a50108-871d-4cd3-a196-4f908d2d2ac4}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,816 [s21-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s21|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s21|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=a0533aff-a9b4-4b6d-88fc-654d59be9055}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,847 [s19-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s19|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s19|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=e878199b-456a-409c-ae58-2389debe9c1e}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,899 [s7-admin-0] WARN  - [s7|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s7|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=b15f636f-46ad-4bcb-b340-128538e5caba}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,920 [s14-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s14|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s14|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b59c9de4-3d86-429a-ac98-6ccc8dd38b25}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:47,942 [s8-admin-0] WARN  - [s8|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s8|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=d9a32a7d-ccc4-4553-b565-5788fda98a3f}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,000 [s6-admin-0] WARN  - [s6|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s6|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=40fd2341-a95d-4186-be8b-8aa3d558f17a}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,005 [s28-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s28|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s28|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=5cb16751-3e00-41c2-b138-dde373d51010}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,015 [s25-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s25|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s25|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=1988fe41-93c8-4c8e-ab57-1bb935dc6f73}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,019 [s15-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s15|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s15|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=994caa9c-2904-4584-9f47-0f098a088418}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,020 [s9-admin-0] WARN  - [s9|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s9|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=75bdeb5a-3088-4cdc-80c6-712f799d12b3}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,022 [s22-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s22|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s22|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b146a759-b6de-436f-88e7-bf0a73636440}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,026 [s31-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s31|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s31|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=4323da7b-4f55-4e6b-8553-2c79b1ae0ce4}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,027 [s23-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s23|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s23|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=6cd593cf-a772-42a0-bac8-54c1de45cf73}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:48,086 [s27-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s27|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s27|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=2e919527-cba9-4aef-86bb-400713d21728}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,206 [s5-admin-0] WARN  - [s5|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s5|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=2e6dc454-1161-45ba-8509-c33709006dd5}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,224 [s18-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s18|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s18|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=56f68311-4a54-499a-b3a3-48b7776016f7}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,268 [s4-admin-0] WARN  - [s4|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s4|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=811a0ac2-d15f-4f10-b33d-dc5ac787924d}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,284 [s26-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s26|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s26|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=2fea36ac-9ec5-4877-956b-9967bcdebe11}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,323 [s16-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s16|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s16|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=b1a50108-871d-4cd3-a196-4f908d2d2ac4}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,370 [s20-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s20|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s20|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=dc3ff799-8e08-4ff5-81ac-8cce949b415d}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,382 [s7-admin-0] WARN  - [s7|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s7|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=b15f636f-46ad-4bcb-b340-128538e5caba}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,408 [s28-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s28|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s28|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=5cb16751-3e00-41c2-b138-dde373d51010}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,417 [s24-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s24|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s24|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=651a7b83-a6b1-45b3-813a-75fc3834d736}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,422 [s15-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s15|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s15|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=994caa9c-2904-4584-9f47-0f098a088418}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,489 [s27-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s27|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s27|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=2e919527-cba9-4aef-86bb-400713d21728}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,584 [s17-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s17|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s17|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=984ce262-b0ee-4c55-ab45-342726b38571}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,630 [s23-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s23|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s23|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=6cd593cf-a772-42a0-bac8-54c1de45cf73}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,636 [s11-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s11|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s11|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=7829ff91-7076-47ca-8fba-11facd4e7deb}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,644 [s6-admin-0] WARN  - [s6|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s6|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=40fd2341-a95d-4186-be8b-8aa3d558f17a}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,644 [s2-admin-0] WARN  - [s2|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s2|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=a89d687c-67db-4a04-b5a5-a53a9b2ce1a2}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,665 [s8-admin-0] WARN  - [s8|localhost/]  
Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s8|connecting...] 
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, 
DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), 
DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, CLIENT_ID=d9a32a7d-ccc4-4553-b565-5788fda98a3f}): failed 
to send request (
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,704 [s30-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s30|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s30|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=78bac85a-170a-4adc-abd1-305066535c06}): failed to send request 
    2022-01-10 14:54:51,792 [s29-admin-0] WARN  - 
[s29|localhost/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s29|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, 
step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.13.0, 
CLIENT_ID=9d96e34a-913d-4e20-b177-d6e1fce53238}): failed to send request 
        149.8sec,   22 completed,   0 failed,   0 skipped, Gradle Test Run 

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':server:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: 
> file://<>

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with 
Gradle 8.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings 
and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.


BUILD FAILED in 5m 12s
418 actionable tasks: 418 executed

See the profiling report at: 
A fine-grained performance profile is available: use the --scan option.

See the profiling report at: 
A fine-grained performance profile is available: use the --scan option.
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure
Recording test results
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.

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