WildFly-Camel 11.0.0 provides Camel-3.0.0 integration with WildFly-18.0.1

This is a major update release.

Component upgrades include

Here some highlights that come with the Camel3 update

Remove support for @ContextName
Remove support for SerializationDataFormat
Remove support for camel-mongodb
Remove support for camel-script
Remove support for camel-chronicle
Remove support for camel-rmi
Remove support for camel-jibx
Remove support for camel-boon
Remove support for camel-ejb
Remove support for camel-mqtt
Remove support for camel-linkedin
Rename camel-mina2 to camel-mina
Rename camel-mongodb3 to camel-mongodb
Rename camel-netty4 to camel-netty
Rename camel-quartz2 to camel-quartz
Rename camel-rxjava2 to camel-rxjava
Rename camel-hdfs2 to camel-hdfs
In addition to that, we also resolved a number of other tasks and bugs 

For details please see the 11.0.0 Milestone 


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