
This discussion (about adding PMC member) should be on private mailing
list, not public dev.

Please, let's discuss on the private mailing list.


On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 12:03 PM Jacky Li <jacky.li...@qq.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hi community,
>     In order to help further growing Apache CarbonData community, I would 
> like to propose Brijoo Bopanna (github id: https://github.com/brijoobopanna) 
> to become member of PMC. Please discuss on this topic.
>     In the past, Brijoo Bopanna contributed a lot in CarbonData project, 
> which can be summarized as follow:
>     - Contributed to design review and feature development in Index Server, 
> Materialized View, and Spatial Index.
>     - Proactively supported community building for last 5 years, like 
> coordinated many community meetups, Apache Jira handling, feature roadmap 
> planning, etc.
>     - Contributed to documentation and website improvements. He has wrote 
> multiple blogs in promoting CarbonData. For example, this blog have more than 
> 5K+ views across various social media. 
> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CARBONDATA/2021/09/21/Comparative+study+of+Apache+Iceberg%2C+Open+Delta%2C+Apache+CarbonData+and+Hudi#:~:text=the%20complete%20blog-,here,-.)
>     Brijoo has long history of contribution in CarbonData, not only working 
> on cardondata feature design and review, but also managing various 
> infrastructure of carbondata project and keep promoting carbondata in data 
> analytics domain. So I'd like to promote him as a new PMC member.
> Regards,
> Jacky Li

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