Hi Adrian,

Sometimes it is good for everyone just to let it go. Nobody so far volunteered to support "Cayenne DataViews", and from this discussion it is clear that you sending us contributions doesn't fundamentally change this situation.

I'd like to wish you good luck with your project extending DataViews. Also I hope that you set it up in a place like SourceForge or similar so that current small (although existing) DataViews user group could take advantage of your work. That is up to you of course. If at some point you consider coming to ASF with this code and the intent to develop it under Apache roof, you'll definitely be welcomed (although the project will have to go through the Incubator in that case).

I'll be happy to see this technology thrive in whatever open source form :-)

Good luck

On Apr 14, 2007, at 12:18 AM, Adrian Wiesmann wrote:
Hello Andrus

First of all, I can see your viewpoint and your concerns and I respect
them. I would probably have the same in your position. Let me tell you
that we now decided to create a separate library for the dataviews and
leave the licence as it is. We plan to send all our changes back to the Cayenne project as diffs. It is then the Cayenne projects decision if you
add our changes to the original or not.

I still have concerns about the code being forked, and then the diffs
contributed back. As a practical matter, you will be using your
version of code, so no testing of 'Cayenne DataViews' will occur,
leaving the framework in an indeterminate state.

Let me say two things here (and I still am not intending to stand on
anyones toes, although I may sound direct):

First, the DataViews are not actively developed nor maintained at the
moment. So speaking of a fork is probably wrong. We just take over the
development in a different environment.

And second, we don't see our copy as the official version but as work in progress. We create a copy so that we can move forward in our own pace. If
somebody is interested to get a copy, fine with us. But we will not
advertise our version.

Also after the
initial period of trust-building, I am sure you'll be able to develop
at your own pace, and there will be more of a community oversight,
rather than interference with the development process.

I am sorry, but sending in our changes and then waiting for a new build is currently not an option. We have very limited resources and when one of us
has time to develop, we need to move forward.

We will see how our approach evolves. We currently need a tool where we can manage our development and changes and I don't expect commit access in your SVN. So look at it as if we would work on something like Debian. Our
repository contains the unstable or testing version, the Cayenne
repository will contain the stable source for the new dataview library.

So if you agree in this, then please extract everything DataView from the
bleeding edge of Cayenne. We will then start from your newly created
DataView library. Otherwise we will extract the source on our own and
start the development with a new namespace to not run into conflicts.


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