
We are 15 days from ACS 42 feature freeze

Out of 98 proposed features /improvements, the status is

Closed: 5
Resolved: 32
In Progress: 15
Reopened: 1:
Ready to  review:  2
Open: 43

For the issues that are Open  I will ask to take a moment to update the jira 
items assigned to you with "In Progress" if you are already working on it and 
if your item is 'In Progress' please update the status.  

As for bugs here is a summary for this week

                                Blocker (b)  | Critical (c) | Major (m) | Total 
Incoming Defects (last 7 days)  :        7 b |  19 c | 38 m   | 74 t    
Outgoing Defects (last 7 days)  :       11 b|  18 c | 23 m   | 55 t
Open Unassigned         :         2b | 19 c | 72 m    | 110 t
Open Total                      :       13 b | 53 c | 142 m | 237 t

And this is from  the previous week for reference, the net defect count went up 
by 30 issues even though there was a big jump is resolution in last 7 days

                                Blocker (b)  | Critical (c) | Major (m) | Total 
Incoming Defects (prev 7 days) :         7 b |  15 c | 29 m   | 54 t    
Outgoing Defects (prev 7 days)  :       5 b   |  7 c   | 13 m   | 25 t
Open Unassigned         :         6 b | 19 c | 53 m    | 89 t
Open Total                      :       13 b | 52 c | 121 m | 207 t

We have a large number of unassigned and open defects, If you are interested in 
helping out on defects please check the release dashboard widget on issues by 


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