Can you please share the MS logs ?
I think the VR might failed on configuring rules due to this VR stop. 
Observe the MS from the VR start onwards to VR stop.

On 07-Aug-2015, at 3:18 AM, Pierre-Luc Dion <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We wanted to do some tests against master branch today. But we never got a
> VR up and running. Zone was in advanced networking, when creating a new vpc
> or private network the VR get created, vm start in xenserver but get
> shutdown and cloudstack console popup an error.
> cpvm and ssvm seams to work fine.
> Did anyone else got this behavior too?
> Thanks
> -- 
> *Pierre-Luc DION*
> Architecte de Solution Cloud | Cloud Solutions Architect
> t 855.652.5683
> *CloudOps* Votre partenaire infonuagique* | *Cloud Solutions Experts
> 420 rue Guy *|* Montreal *|* Quebec *|* H3J 1S6
> w *|* tw @CloudOps_

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