Hi Cocooners,

I made up a code name for my GSoC project: Zooloon, which is XUL/Zool + Cocoon.

This preview version mainly features:
- full ajax support, xul widgets can talk to cocoon now! 
- how to populate xul widget: with both static rdf data and
dynamically generated rdf data by cocoon.
- Using cocoon continuation handle XUL data post.
A zoolized Car Selector example is made to show these techniques.

The code is available to download from:

The ground work is set, more functionalities can be added on.
To-do list:
1. ajax.js: handle multiple request at the same time
2. rdf.js:  in-memory rdf data processing
3. improve xml2rdf.xsl
4. add drag-n-drop to xul widget
5. make zooloon toolbar configurable
6. Add more Zool examples.
7. Documentation.
and more...

GSoC due day is the Zooloon's birthday, I'll continue to grow this
baby. Special thanks to Google Summer of Code Program, my metors:
Antonio Gallardo, Joerg Heinicke, and all Apache Cocoon community!
Without your support, this would not happen.

more updates are coming, stay tuned...


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