
I wanted to post a blog post about my own tools-set for working with Cocoon 2.2 
but because of lack
of time I'll do it later. One important and nice tool I wanted to talk about 
was q4e plug-in[1].

Even though I have really pleasant experiences with this plug-in from the past 
I don't recommend to
install it now due to Issue 49[2].

While working on this issue Cocoon sources started to become important testing 
suite for q4e
developers, see comments #18 and #19 of Issue 49.
Nice isn't it? :-)

[1] http://q4e.googlecode.com/
[2] http://code.google.com/p/q4e/issues/detail?id=49

Grzegorz Kossakowski
Committer and PMC Member of Apache Cocoon

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