
As per the vote, Cocoon committers should now all have commit access to
Forrest CVS.

When voting new Cocoon developers in, please ask root@ to add them to the
'xml' group as well as the cocoon group.


----- Forwarded message from Brian Behlendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 20:13:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Behlendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Karma request: All Cocoon committers become Forrest committers
To: Jeff Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc'ing the Cocoon PMC on this.

Makes sense, I've made the change in the relevant avail file.  Since Unix
doesn't like hierarchical Unix groups, though, there's no easy way to say
"make all members of group "cocoon" also a member of group "xml".  Thus I
have added the following to the "xml" group:


Sorry if I missed anyone or somehow goofed this.  It's way too hot here in
New Hampshire, even at 11pm at night.


On Sat, 5 Jul 2003, Jeff Turner wrote:
> Dear root,
> The Forrest committers recently voted (seven +1's, no -1's) to give all
> Cocoon committers (present and future) access to the xml-forrest
> repository, since Forrest is a Cocoon subproject in spirit if not in
> actuality.
> I believe the simplest way to achieve this to append ',xml-forrest' to
> this entry in CVSROOT/avail:
> # --- The Cocoon folks like this
> avail|... cocoon people 
> ...|xml-site,xml-commons,cocoon-1,cocoon-2-historical,cocoon-2.0,cocoon-2.1,cocoon-lenya,cocoon-site,avalon-excalibur,avalon-sandbox
> Thanks,
> --Jeff

----- End forwarded message -----

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