Duh, enable-uploads was false after fresh build with my normal settings disabled. Sorry.


Geoff Howard wrote:
I am getting ready to test the new patch for IE compatibility in linotype, but first wanted to confirm all current behavior with Mozilla and am not getting expected results.

If I log in and edit one of the existing publications in the default wysiwyg mode, then "Save" or "Finish", I get the editor page back with a blank content area. If I then log out, and return to the linotype welcome page, the welcome text is indeed gone. No errors in the logs, and I'm using cvs from just a few minutes ago reflecting Sylvain's patch to correct mime-type with sendPage (before this the demo was completely non-functional in mozilla).

I have Mozilla 1.3.1, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425 which from everything I can tell is supposed to be compatible with linotype, though I'm not well-versed on Mozilla subtleties.

Can anyone confirm this or give me more information on browser compatibility issues affecting linotype?


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