BURGHARD Éric wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using eXist XQueryGenerator in a simple pipeline. It works correctly
> when i call it directly from my browser with correct parameters.
> Now this pipeline is called from
> during a flow flogin and i've got an exception
> org.exist.xquery.XPathException: No namespace defined for prefix loc
> Any idea ?

The problem came with the AuthenticationManager which passed "loc:*" as
parameters to the authentication resource.

Don't know if authentication-fw is still maintained and/or if you are
interested by a patch...

Anyway, because it's the time of introspection for the cocoon project , i
must tell you guys that is not easy to contribute to cocoon. Its complexity
is not the sole reason. As an example (ie no, i'm not frustated :-), it
takes only one week to codehaus to accept me as commiter on plexus and
mojo. Not because i'm so good (even if i really would like to think so),
but because the project itself is so well structured that it can afford the
risk to open its repository without much ceremony.

So IMHO, restructuring the project must be done before refactoring it (you
surely already know all the folowing)
 * write more docs and tutorials: adopt the maven 2 site generation (apt),
which is very structurefull (for you and contributor) and easy,
 * unit tests as soon as possible,
 * think a little more about users (they have much more to give than you
seem to think),
 * and drop all the experiental stuff for now, even if it looks less
exciting to you, because cocoon is actually (it's my POV but shared by many
people) just a technology toy only really usefull to a bunch of priviliged
people (you see i'm still seeing some value in it :-). It just can't be
successfull that way.


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