Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

I won't have time to work on the samples distribution in a foreseeable future because I have to concentrate on getting all the other stuff (1, 2 and 3) done.

By mimicking the 'getting-started-create' Ant target in trunk/tools/release-builder/build.xml, it shouldn't be that hard to produce a samples distribution that comes with a bundled Jetty and some shell scripts for Win/Linux/Mac that can start the application.

Additionally the LICENSE.txt file has to be created correctly which is probably the most difficult task, especially if you want to automatize it.

If somebody wants to work on the sample distribution, I'd be happy to help with the integration into the release-builder (checksums, PGP, packaging, etc.).

Reinhard Pötz                            Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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