Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

If I'm right, this would allow Cocoon to proxy most WebDAV operations to a non-DASL WebDAV backend, and process the few operations that relate to properties (PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, SEARCH) directly, storing properties in a database.

This was an itch I just had to scratch. :-) I have now committed to the proxy block a new ProxyGenerator that takes whatever method and forwards it to an origin server specified as a sitemap parameter. To do so, I had to put together a new httpclient method (I'm wondering if the httpclient team might be interested in it once polished...) that clones an incoming HttpServletRequest and makes a call to an origin server. So far I've tried it with cadaver and skunkdav, surprisingly enough it seems to work with all the webdav methods.

We have a starting point then, but beware:

1. header handling is *hacky*. I had to filter by hand some headers in order to make the application behave (don't ask me why, but Content-Length in the Cocoon proxied response was off by one byte);

2. no HTTP/1.1 keepalive. I see no way of handling it in Cocoon, since every request has to go through the pipeline, and the response OutputStream cannot be reused. This might be a major performance hit.

Anyway, it's there for you to play. :-) To access a DAV repository running at localhost on port 81 under the /dav context, all you have to do is

    <map:generator label="content"


    <map:match pattern="dav/">
        <map:generate type="generic-proxy">
          <map:parameter name="url" value="http://localhost:81/dav/"/>
          <map:parameter name="path" value="/dav/"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

    <map:match pattern="dav/**">
        <map:generate type="generic-proxy">
          <map:parameter name="url" value="http://localhost:8881/dav/"/>
          <map:parameter name="path" value="/dav/{1}"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Anyone willing to tackle DASL searches now? :-)


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
    (Now blogging at:

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