crossley    2003/07/19 21:47:28

  Added:       src/blocks/asciiart/conf asciiart.xsamples
               src/blocks/asciiart/samples dir2html.xsl sitemap.xmap
               src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data ascii-art-1.txt
                        ascii-art-10.txt ascii-art-2.txt ascii-art-3.txt
                        ascii-art-4.txt ascii-art-5.txt ascii-art-6.txt
                        ascii-art-7.txt ascii-art-8.txt ascii-art-9.txt
  Removed:     src/blocks/asciiart/conf .cvsignore
                        ascii-art-1.txt ascii-art-10.txt ascii-art-2.txt
                        ascii-art-3.txt ascii-art-4.txt ascii-art-5.txt
                        ascii-art-6.txt ascii-art-7.txt ascii-art-8.txt
  Re-arrange the directory structure so that the samples work.
  Suggested by: Tony Collen
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/conf/asciiart.xsamples
  Index: asciiart.xsamples
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <xsamples xpath="/samples" unless="[EMAIL PROTECTED]'asciiart']">
    <group name="asciiart">
      <sample name="ASCII art" href="asciiart/">
        Plain text files with character-based artwork and diagrams are presented
        in various formats, e.g. plain text, JPEG, PNG
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/dir2html.xsl
  Index: dir2html.xsl
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
  <xsl:template match="dir:directory">
        <title>AsciiArt Samples</title>
        <table width="90%">
            <td>Available ascii art as <em>TXT</em>
              <xsl:apply-templates select="dir:file" mode="txt"/>
            <td>Available ascii art as <em>JPEG</em>
              <xsl:apply-templates select="dir:file" mode="jpg"/>
            <td>Available ascii art as <em>PNG</em>
              <xsl:apply-templates select="dir:file" mode="png"/>
  <xsl:template match="dir:file" mode="txt">
         <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:attribute>
         <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  <xsl:template match="dir:file" mode="jpg">
         <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/>.jpg</xsl:attribute>
         <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  <xsl:template match="dir:file" mode="png">
         <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/>.png</xsl:attribute>
         <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/sitemap.xmap
  Index: sitemap.xmap
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <map:sitemap xmlns:map="";>
  <!-- =========================== Components ================================ -->
  <!-- =========================== Generators ================================= -->
    <map:generators default="file">
     <map:generator name="asciiart-svg" logger="sitemap.generator.asciiart-svg" 
  <!-- =========================== Transformers ================================= -->
  <!-- =========================== Readers ================================= -->
  <!-- =========================== Serializers ================================= -->
  <!-- =========================== Matchers ================================= -->
  <!-- ====================== Pipelines defintions ============================= -->
  <!-- =========================== Pipelines ================================= -->
     <map:match pattern="welcome">
       <map:generate type="directory" src="data">
         <map:parameter name="include" value="\.txt$"/>
       <map:transform src="dir2html.xsl"/>
     <!-- expects format xxxyyyzzt.txt.png -->
     <map:match pattern="*.jpg">
       <map:generate type="asciiart-svg" src="data/{1}">
      <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>
     <!-- expects format xxxyyyzzt.txt.png -->
     <map:match pattern="*.png">
       <map:generate type="asciiart-svg" src="data/{1}">
      <map:serialize type="svg2png"/>
     <map:match pattern="*.txt">
       <map:read src="data/{1}.txt"
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-1.txt
  Index: ascii-art-1.txt
   | 1st quarter  | 
   | 2nd        |   
   | 3rd |          
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-10.txt
  Index: ascii-art-10.txt
  |   sitemap.xmap~
  |   sitemap.xmap
  |   ascii-art-10.txt
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   cocoon.xconf
  |   |   
  |   +---images
  |   |       dot.gif
  |   |       cocoon-buttons-built-126.gif
  |   |       line.gif
  |   |       logo.gif
  |   |       note.gif
  |   |       separator.gif
  |   |       unisyslogo.gif
  |   |       void.gif
  |   |       
  |   +---resources
  |   |       main.css
  |   |       simple.css
  |   |       
  |   +---stylesheets
  |   |       document2html.xsl
  |   |       book2menu.xsl
  |   |       copyover.xsl
  |   |       filterlinks.xsl
  |   |       site2xhtml.xsl
  |   |       
  |   \---xdocs
  |       |   book.xml
  |       |   resources.xml
  |       |   index.xml
  |       |   .nbattrs
  |       |   
  |       +---test
  |       |   |   test.xml
  |       |   |   book.xml
  |       |   |   
  |       |   \---test-report-html
  |       |           index.test-report-html
  |       |           
  |       +---services
  |       |       services.xml
  |       |       a1net.xml
  |       |       book.xml
  |       |       mail.xml
  |       |       news.xml
  |       |       rootdocument.xml
  |       |       subscriber.xml
  |       |       
  |       +---install
  |       |       applicationserver.xml
  |       |       book.xml
  |       |       development.xml
  |       |       install.xml
  |       |       
  |       +---dtd
  |       |       ISOgrk1.pen
  |       |       ISOdia.pen
  |       |       book-cocoon-v10.dtd
  |       |       ISOlat1.pen
  |       |       ISOnum.pen
  |       |       ISOpub.pen
  |       |       ISOtech.pen
  |       |       README
  |       |       XMLSchema.dtd
  |       |       changes-v10.dtd
  |       |       catalog
  |       |       javadoc-v04draft.dtd
  |       |       characters.ent
  |       |       datatypes.dtd
  |       |       document-v10.dtd
  |       |       faq-v10.dtd
  |       |       specification-v10.dtd
  |       |       sitemap-v02.dtd
  |       |       svg-cocoon-v11.dtd
  |       |       svg10.dtd
  |       |       todo-v10.dtd
  |       |       
  |       +---development
  |       |   |   building.xml
  |       |   |   book.xml
  |       |   |   development.xml
  |       |   |   ias-notes.xml
  |       |   |   
  |       |   +---apidoc-client
  |       |   |       index.apidoc-html
  |       |   |       
  |       |   \---apidoc
  |       |           index.html.apidoc-html
  |       |           index.apidoc-html
  |       |           
  |       +---design
  |       |       framework.xml
  |       |       book.xml
  |       |       design.xml
  |       |       voiceportal.xml
  |       |       
  |       \---about
  |               about.xml
  |               book.xml
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   sitemap.xmap~
  |   |   
  |   +---stylesheets
  |   |       folder2document.xsl
  |   |       mailheader2document.xsl
  |   |       mailbody2document.xsl
  |   |       mailheaders2document.xsl
  |   |       folder2document.xsl~
  |   |       mailbody2document.xsl~
  |   |       mailheader2document.xsl~
  |   |       document2html.xsl
  |   |       extended-document2html.xsl
  |   |       
  |   +---docs
  |   \---mail-store
  |       +---mktest01
  |       |   |   folder.xml
  |       |   |   
  |       |   +---test1
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---test
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---Trash
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---Sent Items
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---Sent
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---Papierkorb
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---Gesendet
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   +---Drafts
  |       |   |       folder.xml
  |       |   |       
  |       |   \---INBOX
  |       |           folder.xml
  |       |           mail-1.xml
  |       |           mail-2.xml
  |       |           mail-3.xml
  |       |           mail-4.xml
  |       |           mail-5.xml
  |       |           mail-6.xml
  |       |           mail-7.xml
  |       |           mail-8.xml
  |       |           mail-9.xml
  |       |           mail-10.xml
  |       |           mail-11.xml
  |       |           mail-12.xml
  |       |           mail-13.xml
  |       |           mail-14.xml
  |       |           mail-16.xml
  |       |           mail-17.xml
  |       |           mail-18.xml
  |       |           mail-19.xml
  |       |           mail-20.xml
  |       |           mail-21.xml
  |       |           mail-22.xml
  |       |           mail-23.xml
  |       |           mail-24.xml
  |       |           mail-25.xml
  |       |           mail-26.xml
  |       |           mail-27.xml
  |       |           
  |       \---mktest02
  |           |   folder.xml
  |           |   
  |           +---von_jornada
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           +---test
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           +---gumpf
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           +---Trash
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           +---Sent
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           +---Gesendet
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           +---„”ᔄ
  |           |       folder.xml
  |           |       
  |           \---INBOX
  |                   folder.xml
  |                   mail-1.xml
  |                   mail-2.xml
  |                   mail-3.xml
  |                   mail-4.xml
  |   |   sitemap.xmap~
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   
  |   +---imports
  |   |       index.html
  |   |       howto-i18n-xmlform.html
  |   |       cocoon-javadoc-tags.html
  |   |       
  |   +---resources
  |   |   \---entities
  |   |       |   ISOnum.pen
  |   |       |   characters.ent
  |   |       |   XMLSchema.dtd
  |   |       |   javadoc-v04draft.dtd
  |   |       |   datatypes.dtd
  |   |       |   svg-cocoon-v11.dtd
  |   |       |   ISOlat1.pen
  |   |       |   svg10.dtd
  |   |       |   document-v10.dtd
  |   |       |   sitemap-v02.dtd
  |   |       |   ISOgrk1.pen
  |   |       |   changes-v10.dtd
  |   |       |   ISOpub.pen
  |   |       |   ISOtech.pen
  |   |       |   ISOdia.pen
  |   |       |   faq-v10.dtd
  |   |       |   catalog
  |   |       |   specification-v10.dtd
  |   |       |   book-cocoon-v10.dtd
  |   |       |   todo-v10.dtd
  |   |       |   README
  |   |       |   
  |   |       \---catalog-demo
  |   |           |   testsys.xml
  |   |           |   override.xml
  |   |           |   testpub.xml
  |   |           |   catalog-demo-v10.dtd
  |   |           |   
  |   |           \---CVS
  |   |                   Root
  |   |                   Repository
  |   |                   Entries
  |   |                   netbeans.cmd.cache
  |   |                   
  |   +---stylesheets
  |   |       document2html.xsl~
  |   |       xhtml2document.xsl~
  |   |       filterlinks.xsl
  |   |       xhtml2document.xsl
  |   |       document2xhtml.xsl
  |   |       document2html.xsl
  |   |       
  |   \---xdocs
  |           index.xml
  |           index.xml~
  |           howto-i18n-xmlform.xml
  |           cocoon-javadoc-tags.xml
  |   |   sitemap.xmap~
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   
  |   +---grammars
  |   |       wiki.grm
  |   |       rgrm.grm
  |   |       java.rgrm
  |   |       wiki.rgrm
  |   |       mathexp.grm
  |   |       Copy of wiki.rgrm
  |   |       wiki.grm~
  |   |       wiki.grm.enhanced.notokay
  |   |       Copy of wiki.grm
  |   |       
  |   +---misc
  |   |       samples.xml
  |   |       wiki.xsp
  |   |
  |   |
  |   |       matex.xsp
  |   |       java.css
  |   |       mathexp.xsp
  |   |       howtoconfigurecocoonlogging.xml~
  |   |       wiki-sample-2.xml
  |   |       Copy of howtoconfigurecocoonlogging.xml
  |   |       howtoconfigurecocoonlogging.xml
  |   |       wiki-sample-2-modified.xml
  |   |       wiki-sample-1.xml~
  |   |       wiki-sample-3.xml
  |   |       wiki-sample-1.xml
  |   |       wiki-sample-2-modified.xml~
  |   |       
  |   \---stylesheets
  |       |   parsefragment.xsl
  |       |   wiki2html.xsl
  |       |   rgrm2grm.xsl
  |       |   java2html.xsl
  |       |   mathexp2html.xsl
  |       |   wiki2html.xsl~
  |       |   
  |       \---system
  |               error2html.xsl
  |               directory2html.xsl
  |               status2html.xsl
  |               profile2html.xsl
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   
  |   \---stylesheets
  |           linkstatus2html.xsl
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   sitemap.xmap~
  |   |   
  |   +---stylesheets
  |   |       site2wml.xsl
  |   |       site2html.xsl
  |   |       site2wml.xsl~
  |   |       filterlinks.xsl
  |   |       document2html.xsl~
  |   |       site2html.xsl~
  |   |       
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  |   |   |       index.xml
  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-1
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  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-2
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  |   |   |       news-20021205.xml~
  |   |   |       info.xml~
  |   |   |       news-20021213.xml~
  |   |   |       info.xml
  |   |   |       news-20021213.xml
  |   |   |       q4-2002.xml~
  |   |   |       news-20021205.xml
  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       faq.xml~
  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-3
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  |   |   |       news.xml
  |   |   |       index.xml
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  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       news.xml~
  |   |   |       faq.xml
  |   |   |       
  |   |   \---bottom-col-1
  |   |           index.xml~
  |   |           index.xml
  |   |           
  |   +---resources
  |   |   +---styles
  |   |   |       main.css
  |   |   |       main.css~
  |   |   |       
  |   |   \---images
  |   |           built-with-cocoon.gif
  |   |           
  |   \---pagesheets
  |           cardpages.xml~
  |           cardpages.xml
  |           s2pages.xml
  |   |   sitemap.xmap~
  |   |
  |   |   sitemap.xmap
  |   |   
  |   +---resources
  |   |   +---images
  |   |   |       built-with-cocoon.gif
  |   |   |       favicon.ico
  |   |   |       
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  |   |           main.css~
  |   |           main.css
  |   |           
  |   +---docs
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  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-4
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  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       faq.xml
  |   |   |       index.xml
  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-3
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  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       faq.xml
  |   |   |       index.xml
  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-2
  |   |   |       changes.xml
  |   |   |       faq.xml
  |   |   |       index.xml
  |   |   |       about.xml
  |   |   |       plans.xml
  |   |   |       csscolumnsite.xml~
  |   |   |       sitemap-1.xml~
  |   |   |       sitemap-tutorial.xml~
  |   |   |       news.xml~
  |   |   |       sitemap-tutorial.xml
  |   |   |       faq.xml~
  |   |   |       filterlinks-tutorial.xml~
  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       filterlink-tutorial.xml~
  |   |   |       wapchannel-tutorial.xml~
  |   |   |       filterlink-tutorial.xml
  |   |   |       changes.xml~
  |   |   |       wapchannel-tutorial.xml
  |   |   |       plans.xml~
  |   |   |       csscolumnsite.xml
  |   |   |       
  |   |   +---mid-col-1
  |   |   |       index.xml~
  |   |   |       index.xml
  |   |   |       
  |   |   \---top-col-1
  |   |           index.xml~
  |   |           index.xml
  |   |           
  |   +---stylesheets
  |   |       site2wml.xsl
  |   |
  |   |       document2html.xsl~
  |   |       site2html.xsl~
  |   |
  |   |       filterlinks.xsl
  |   |       site2html.xsl
  |   |       site2wml.xsl~
  |   |       
  |   \---pagesheets
  |           wmlpages.xml
  |           htmlpages.xml
      |   sitemap.xmap
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-2.txt
  Index: ascii-art-2.txt
        | containerN   |
      +--------------+ |
      |  container2  | |
     +-------------+ | | 
     |  container1 | | | 
     |             | | |
     |  +-------+  | | |
     |  | part  |  | | |
     |  +-------+  | |-+ 
     |             |-+  
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-3.txt
  Index: ascii-art-3.txt
   |  Mail_Header |  
   |  +========+  |  
   |  | Body   |  |  
   |  +==+==+==+  |  
   |  |a |a |a |  |  
   |  |1 |2 |3 |  |  
   |  +==+==+==+  |  
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +---+----+  +--+---+  +---+---+
       |          |          |
       |          |          |
       |          |          |
   +---+----+  +--+---+  +---+---+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +--------+  +------+  +-------+
   |        |  |      |  |       |
   +---+----+  +--+---+  +---+---+
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-4.txt
  Index: ascii-art-4.txt
   | header         |
   | c | col2   | c |
   | o |        | o |
   | l |        | l |
   | 1 |        | 3 |
   |     footer     |
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-5.txt
  Index: ascii-art-5.txt
   |   +---top_col_1    
   |   +---mid_col_1    
   |   +---mid_col_2    
   |   +---mid_col_3    
   |   +---mid_col_4    
   |   \---bottom_col_1
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-6.txt
  Index: ascii-art-6.txt
                 | Organization |
       |          |          |          |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
   |   d1  |  |   d2  |  |   d3  |  |   d4  |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
       |          |          |          |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
   |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
       |          |          |          |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
   |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
       |          |          |          |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
   |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |
   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-7.txt
  Index: ascii-art-7.txt
   |------------------------     Jan
   |----------------             Feb
   |--------------------         Mar
   |---------------------        Apr
   |----------------             May
   |---------------------        Jun
   |--------------------------   Jul
   |-------------------          Aug
   |---------------------        Sep
   |-------------------------    Oct
   |---------------------------- Nov
   |------+-----+-----+------+-- Dec
   |      |     |     |      |   
   |     50    100   150    200
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-8.txt
  Index: ascii-art-8.txt
     |      |
   +-+-+  +-+-+
   | a |  | b | 
   +---+  +---+
     |      |
     |      |
   +---+  +---+
   | X |  | Y | 
   +-+-+  +-+-+
     |      |
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/asciiart/samples/data/ascii-art-9.txt
  Index: ascii-art-9.txt
  |   |       
  |   +---docs
  |   \---mail-store
  |       |   |         
  |       |   \---INBOX
  |       |           folder.xml
  |       |           mail-1.xml
  |       |           mail-2.xml
  |       |           mail-3.xml
  |       |           mail-4.xml
  |       |           mail-5.xml
  |       |           mail-6.xml
  |       |           mail-7.xml
  |       |           mail-8.xml
  |       |           mail-9.xml
  |       |           mail-10.xml
  |       |           mail-11.xml
  |       |           mail-12.xml
  |       |           mail-13.xml
  |       |           mail-14.xml
  |       |           mail-16.xml
  |       |           mail-17.xml
  |       |           mail-18.xml
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