
        I posted this message to the Cocoon-Users mailing list and was told to
also post here, with reference to issue number 2216
which might be similar to my problem.

        I'm using Cocoon 2.2 with Tomcat 6.0.18 and have the following

In a Cocoon-Sitemap there are XML files created by using Flowscript. (In
the Flowscript-Function content gets fetched from an database and is
sent via sendPage().)
These files are combined by map:aggregate to one single XML file.
Although the single files are all correct, the large combined file is
messed up. Some sections are missing, others are switched.

The sitemap looks like this:

        <map:match pattern="page.xml">
                <map:aggregate element="Content">
                        <map:part src="cocoon:/content1.xml"/>
                        <map:part src="cocoon:/content2.xml"/>
                        <map:part src="cocoon:/content3.xml"/>
                        <map:part src="cocoon:/content4.xml"/>
                <map:serialize type="xml"/>

        <map:match pattern="*.xml">
                <map:call function="{1}"/>

        <map:match pattern="*.jx" internal-only="true">
                <map:generate type="jx" src="documents/{1}.jx"/>
                <map:serialize type="xml"/>

If only one XML-Part is "aggregated" everything is ok, if all are
aggregated the content of "content1.xml" and "content3.xml" are switched
and "content4.xml" ist empty.


        --here comes the content of <content3>
        --here comes the content of <content2>
        --here comes the content of <content3>
        --this one contains nothing

Is this a bug or is aggregation of "flow-content" a bad idea?

Best regards,

Sebastian Kruse

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