I saw the woody's binding samples and use dom to save form data.I modified js like: if (isbind=="true") { document = loadDocument(documentURI); // bind the document data to the form form.load(document); } // shows the form to the user until is validated successfully form.showForm(formname+"-display"); if (form.binding != null){ // bind the form's data back to the document form.save(document); cocoon.sendPage(formname+"-save",{"data":document}); } Object document is a dom object then. I use a pipeline to display the result: Everything goes fine until I enter Simplyfied Chinese in the form,the xml result apear wrong encoding character: <a>test</a> <b>盲赂?amp;shy;忙?&#8225;</b> <--error here the form encoding is unicode. If I use action to get the value from the context using JXPathContext is the same result? It must be woody form binding encoding problem. What can I do to solve the problem?


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