Thanks Alex and Gilles for your feedback

So currently Commons Math transform depends on Common complex numbers, and
the API involves usage of Complex Object Arrays instead of primitive array
data structures

I also briefly looked into other library implementations besides Jtransform
and EJML that are not pure java but have java bindings such as JBLAS[1] and
All of the implementation use single array data structures to represent
Complex Lists and higher dimensional matrices

Since these involve parallel data pipelines I looked into libraries that
use SIMD [3] operations that use GP GPU (jcuda [4][5] /aparapi [6]) and CPU
(Java 17 Vector API [7])

Given all the alternative implementations, I agree it does not make sense
to re implement transforms here.

So instead would it be useful to provide users with
1) a complex numbers Linear Algebra and transforms API to compile against
and run with any of existing providers (apache commons, jtransform, EJML,
2) a service provider interface to allow adapter implementations to
integrate existing and future providers such as jcudas/aparapi/vector APIs

Do the commons library modularization dependency requirements apply to
compile time dependencies only or runtime also?
To minimize bloat, the runtime dependencies could be made optional and need
not be transitively included by default

Providing a Complex linear algebra and transforms API that can run with
different runtime providers would allow users to take advantage of hardware
capabilities and gracefully fallback to reference implementations
It could allow users to take advantage of Java 17 Vector APIs when
available without refactoring their existing libraries

Also do the Apache projects/ license allow for integration with non Apache
software (jtransform /jblas do not use Apache license, jcuda uses MIT
license) ?









On Tue, 22 Mar 2022 at 10:07, Gilles Sadowski <> wrote:

> Hello.
> > [...]
> > >
> > > Are we expecting complex-numbers to be an efficient pure java library
> that
> > > could be used by other java libraries such as commons-imaging for data
> > > compression (DCT /JPEG lossy compression)?
> > >
> >
> > Numbers should be seen as a toolbox to be used by other Java
> applications.
> > The best location for routines is something to discuss on the mailing
> list.
> > In the example of DCT, I am not aware if imaging currently has an encoder
> > implementation for this. There is a decoder:
> > org/apache/commons/imaging/formats/jpeg/decoder/Dct.jav
> Also:
> It would be a maintenance boon if "Commons" could come up with
> a consensus about which components must be dependency-free and
> which could depend on other (lower-level) "Commons" components.
> [Imaging] is clearly higher-level than [Math] and that such non-obvious
> algorithms should be maintained in a single place.  Through the process
> of modularizing [Math], we have "commons-math-transform" module,
> with zero dependency, so it would bring zero bloat to [Imaging] users if
> we consolidate usage.
> Of course, that would imply testing and benchmarking all current
> implementations, and retain the best (taking various axes into account:
> performance, robustness, flexibility).
> Regards,
> Gilles
> > [...]
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